Author/Editor     Ule, Mirjana
Title     Socialna ranljivost mladih
Translated title     Social vulnerability of young people
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 25-37
Language     slo
Abstract     In the paper we are studying youth in the last decade of this century, named by some authors "a century of'youth". We follow the results of a number of research studies done in the nineties, on various populations of youth. Opposite to earlier decades of this century, youth in Slovenia have now most problems with most important parts of life, those necessary for social promotion and growing up (school and employment). Further, the problems connected to self-image, social contacts (loneliness) and emotions (self-destructiveness) are alarming as well. All of these tensions and conflicts that youth have to deal with are inereasing their general social vulnerability. The essence of this social vulnerability is an increase in difficulties and accumulation of unsolved problems, deriving from one another, i.e. limited success in school, low employment chances, material, social, emotional and health difficulties. Our results are indicating that there is a growing dlfferentiation of youth in two contrast groups; one of those dealing with difficulties of growing up with ease, and the one of youngsters with these difflculties accumulating. There is a permanent danger with those in the second group to have temporal problems turned into permanent ones and fall into category of losers.
Summary     V sestavku skušamo odgovoriti na vprašanje, kaj se dogaja z mladino v zadnjem desetleju tega stoletja, ki so ga nekateri avtorji označili kot stoletje mladine. Izhajamo iz rezultatov raziskav, ki smo jih v devetdesetih letih opravili na različnih populacijah mladih. V nasprotju s prejšnjimi desetletji tega stoletja, imajo mladi v Sloveniji največ problemov ravno na tistih življenjskih področjih, ki so pomembna za njihovo socialno promocijo in odraščanje (šolski pritiski, zaposlitev). Zaskrbljujoči so tudi problemi, vezani na samopodobo in socialne stike (osamljenost) ter emocionalni problemi (samodestruktivnost). Vsa ta nasprotja in težave, s katerimi se morajo soočati mladi, povečujejo njihovo splošno socialno in psihološko ranljivost. Bistvo socialne ranljivosti je stopnjevanje težav in kopičenje nerešenih problemov ki izhajajo eden iz drugega, npr. slab šolski uspeh, slabe zaposlitvene možnosti, materialne, socialne, emocionalne, zdravstvene težave. Rezultati kažejo, da se tudi v Sloveniji vedno bolj diferencirajo mladi na dve kontrastni skupini; tisti, ki uspešno premagujejo težave odraščanja, in tistih, ki se jim težave kopičijo. Pri tem obstaja nevarnost, da se bodo trenutne težave spremenile v trajne in da bodo padli v kategorijo poražencev.