Author/Editor     Tomazo-Ravnik, Tatjana
Title     Generacijske spremembe v postavi in sestavi telesa v času pubertete
Translated title     Generational changes in posture and body composition during puberty
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 39-45
Language     slo
Abstract     Secular trend is evaluated by comparison of two generataons of adolescents from Šentjernej, Vipava and Ljubljana. Changes of some body measurements, describing posture and changes in body composition based on calculated BMI, upper arm anthropometry and two-component method, was analysed. The results show that youths in this period of growth and development are very sensitive to environmental changes and react to them with different intensity of accelerated growth. The same reaction trend is found in changes of muscle and fat tissue amount in their bodies. In Šentjernej, where the difference between the generations was 27 years, the intensity of secular trends was very high. In the period of 21 years such intensity was not found in growth of children from Vipava. The reasons for these results are correlated with the intensity of economic development in both cities. Body composition in both generations of Ljubljana youths shows characteristic sex differences and greater intensity of changes in boys only. In boys prevails muscle mass, in girls fat mass. A tendency to lower mean BMI values is noticed. Systematic measurements of children and youths are very important as they provide opportunity to evaluate the reaction of human organism to experienced changes.
Summary     Sekularni trend je ovrednoten s primerjavo dveh generacij adolescentov iz Šentjerneja, Vipave in Ljubljane. Analizirane so spremembe med nekaterimi glavnimi telesnimi merami, ki opisujejo postavo ter spremembe v sestavi telesa na osnovi izračunanega ITM, antropometrije nadlahti ter dvokomponentne delitve telesne mase. Rezultati nam kažejo, da je mladina v tem rastnem obdobju občutljiva na spremembe v okolju in se nanje odziva z različno intenzivnim pospešenjem rasti. Prav tako se odziva s spremembami v vsebnosti mišičnega in maščobnega tkiva. V Šentjerneju, kjer je bila razlika med generacijama 27 let, se je pokazal intenziven sekularni trend. V Vipavi pa v razdobju 21 let ne beležimo take intenzitete v razvoju otrok. Vzroki za opisane rezultale se ujemajo z intenziteto gospodarskega razvoja v obeh krajih. Sestava telesa pri obeh generacijah ljubljanskih otrok pa kaže značilne spolne razlike in intenzivnejše spremembe le pri dečkih. Pri slednjih prevladuje mišična masa, pri dekletih pa maščobna. Opazna je tudi tendenca k nižjim vrednostim ITM. Sistematične meritve otrok in mladine so pomembne, saj tudi na tak način lahko na osnovi antropometričnih podatkov vrednotimo odzive človeškega organizma na spremembe, ki jih doživlja.