Author/Editor     Štefančič, Marija; Dragičević, Klavdija
Title     Preučevanje nastopa menarhe pri Slovenkah
Translated title     Studies of menarche in Slovenian girls
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 59-67
Language     slo
Abstract     The article refers to all of the more important studies of menarche in Slovenia, with special reference to a study, carried out in Velenje fn the school year 1998/99, where 324 high-school female students, their mothers and grandmothers were surveyed. The average age at menarche was 13.2 years. A comparison between generattons shows an acceleration in occurrence of menarche between mothers and grandmothers but less so between mothers and daughters. Among the girls and their mothers surveyed, a high positive correlatlon was found. There was also a high correlation between granddaughters and grandmothers on the mother's side. The occurrence of menarche is influenced by hereditary as well as socio- economic factors. The most important external influence seems to be the mother's education and the consequent effects upon the environment in which the girl has been brought up.
Summary     Članek se nanaša na vse pomembnejše raziskave menarhe v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na raziskavi, izvedeni v Velenju v šolskem letu 1998/99. Anketiranih je bilo 324 dijakinj srednjih šol, njihovih mater in babic. Povprečna starost ob menarhi anketirank je 13,2 leta. Primerjava med generacijami potrjuje akceleracijo v nastopu menarhe med generacijama mater in babic, medtem ko je razlika v nastopu menarhe med materami in anketirankami minimalna. Med anketirankami in materami je ugotovljena visoka pozitivna korelacija, visoka pa je tudi korelacija med vnukinjami in babicami po matertni strani. Na starost ob menarhi vplivajo tako dedni kot tudi socialnoekonomski dejavniki. Med dejavniki okolja ima najmočnejši vpliv izobrazba matere, ki vpliva na vse druge dejavnike okolja, v katerem dekle odrašča.