Author/Editor     Premik, Marjan; Juričič, Mojca
Title     Šolska medicina v Sloveniji z vidika zagotavljanja zdravja mladih
Translated title     School medicine in Slovenia in the perspective of ensuring health of youth
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 97-102
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents some new ideas for ensuring health of youth, endorsed by HO, UNICEF and UNFPA. Desired objectives are defined integrally. Required conditions for realisation of the objectives are listed. In this framework the importance of health services improvement, is especially exposed, as well as some programmatic, organisational and prafessional aspects of school medicine in Slovenia as an important and equal partner to other participating institutions in ensuring health of youth.
Summary     V članku predstavljamo nekatere nove zamisli v zvezi z zagotavljanjem zdravja mladih, ki ji zagovarja WHO, UNICEF in UNFPA. Celostno so opredeljeni cilji, ki jih želimo doseči. Našteti so potrebni pogoji za uresničevanje tako zastavljenih ciljev. V tem okviru je posebej izpostavljen pomen izbo jšanja zdravstvene dejavnosti ter nekateri programski, organizacjski in strokovni vidiki šolske medicine v Slovenji kot pomembne in enakopravne partnerice drugim sodelujočim institucijam pri zagotavljanju zdravja mladih.