Author/Editor     Sindik, Joško; Čavlek, Tonka
Title     Prevencija psiholoških problema djeteta u osnovnoj školi kroz suradnju stručnjaka
Translated title     Prevention of psychological problems among schoolchildren through cooperation of professionals
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 219-22
Language     cro
Abstract     Prevention of psychological and health problems practically starts at birth. Parents have the main preventive role; but they differ in their awareness about the importance of such prevention as well as in general engagement in caring for the child. Therefore; preschool institutions - not able to replace these influences - are still very important in prevention of health and mental health problems among children. In kindergarten, children are supervised by educators who inform the psychologist of noticed aberrations, enabling further diagnostics and measures. Information obtained in kindergarten is also used at systematic check-ups before the primary school entry and is available to school professionals: Thus, they are acquainted with individual's specifics and can appropriately adapt the school programme. The paper also describes results of study of most frequent problems among 250 children in the "Maksimir" kindergarten in Zagreb. Most frequent are graphomotoric disorders; dyslalia; emotional instability, restlessness and attention deficit. Aggressive behaviour (most obvious in practice) and hyperactivity are less frequent.
Summary     Preprečevanje psiholoških in zdravstvenih problemov se začne tako rekoč z otrokovim rojstvom. Glavno preventivno funkcijo imajo sicer starši, ki pa se razlikujejo tako po znanju o pomenu takšne preventive kot po splošni angažiranosti skrbi za otroka. čeprav predšolske ustanove ne morejo nadomestiti doma; so zato kljub temu v ospredju preprečevanja zdravstvenih in mentalnozdravstvenih problemov otrok. V vrtcu otroke spremljajo vzgojitelji; ti psihologa obveščajo o opaženih aberacijah in: tako omogočijo nadaljnje diagnosticiranje in ukrepanje. Pri sistematskih pregledih pred vstopom v osnovno šolo se uporabljajo podatki; dobljeni v vrtcu. Na voljo so tudi strokovnjakom v šoli; tako omogočajo seznanjanje z otrokovimi specifčnostmi in ev. prilagajanje šolskega programa. V nadaljevanju opisujemo izsledke raziskave o najpogostejših problemih 250 otrok v vrtcu "Maksmir" v Zagrebu. Največ je grafomotoričnih težav, dislalije, čustvene nestabilnosti in nemirnosti ter motenj pozornosti. Redkejša pa sta (sicer v praksi najopaznejše) agresivno vedenje in čezmerna motorična dejavnost.