Author/Editor     Brandt, Majda
Title     Zdravje in izobraževanje za zdravje šolske mladine ob sistematskih pregledih
Translated title     Health and healthcare education for schoolchildren during periodical check-ups in the Health centre Ljubljana
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 229-37
Language     slo
Abstract     In the Health centre Ljubljana Bežigrad regular health education is organised for schoolchildren and adolescents during periodical check-ups, in accordance with Guidelines for implementation of preventive work programmes at primary level. Special staff is employed for health education. In the year 2000/2001 5,510 primary and secondary school students have taken part in this programme. Young people get acquainted with health issues of infectious and noninfectious diseases. Multimodal teaching methods are used for education about comprehensive health. Unregulated and non-standardized health education in the healthcare system causes various organisational problems, the main in our unit being lack of materials, resources and facilities. A comprehensive, planned and systematic regulative approach to health education in the healthcare system would improve health education for youth and provide its better quality.
Summary     V Zdravstvenem domu Ljubljana enoti osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva Bežigrad je organizirana redna zdravstvena vzgoja šolskih otrok in mladostnikov med preventivnimi sistematskimi pregledi. Za zdravstveno vzgojo je v enoti zaposlen samostojen kader. V šolskem letu 2000/2001 bo zdravstvene vzgoje deležnih 5510 učencev in dijakov. Zanjo je enota Bežigrad zagotovila osnovne pogoje. Pri zdravstveni vzgoji mladih obravnavamo zdravstvene teme o nalezljivih in nenalezljivih boleznih. Uporabljamo multimodalno poučevanje in udeležence vzgajamo za celostno zdravje. Neurejenost in nestandardiziranast področja zdravstvene vzgoje pa povzroča različne težave na vseh organizacijskih ravneh. Problem pri neposrednem zdravstvenovzgojnem delu v enoti Bežigrad je pomanjkanje ustreznega gradiva in pripomočkov. S celovitim, načrtnim in sistematičnim urejanjem področja zdravstvene vzgoje na operativni ravni in vseh drugih ravneh bo mogoče zagotoviti kakovostno zdravstveno vzgojo mladih in njeno izboljšanje.