Author/Editor     Gruden, Kristina; Jongsma, Maarten A; Herzog-Velikonja, Blagajana; Štrukelj, Borut
Title     Adaptation of Colorado potato beetle to plant defense mechanism
Translated title     Adaptacija koloradskega hrošča na obrambni mehanizem rastlin
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 1-2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 89-92
Language     eng
Abstract     When the larvae of Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) feed on leaves with high levels of proteinase inhibitors, the expression of proteinase inhibitors-insensitive proteolytic activity is induced in the guts. Experiments performed using synthetic substrates for cysteine proteases and activity gels indicated the existence of at least four different cysteine proteases resistant to potato inhibitors. In addition, proteins in the gut extract were separated by gel chromatography and fractions analysed tor proteolytic activity. Proteinases that are all insensitive to endogenous potato inhibitors were eluted in three peaks showing differenl substrate specificity. Altogether, the results show that proteinase composition in induced guts is very complex indicating that adaptation mechanism of the insects to plant defense is probably a multistep event.
Summary     Hranjenje s krompirjevimi listi, bogatimi s proteinaznimi inhibitorji, v prebavilu ličink koloradskega hrošča inducira sintezo novih proteaz, ki so na krompirjeve endogene inhibitorje neobčutljive. Merjenje proteolitične aktivnosti z različnimi sintetičnimi substrati in aktivnostnimi geli je pokazalo, da so v prebavilu ličink vsaj štiri različne cisteinske proteaze, ki so neobčutiljve na krompirjeve endogene inhibitorje. Poleg tega smo proteaze analizirali tudi po gelski kromatografiji prebavnega ekstrakta. Proteaze so se eluirale v treh vrhovih, vsak z različno substratno specifičnostjo. Vsi ti rezultati kažejo, da je sestava proteolitskih encimov v induciranih prebavilih ličink zelo kompleksna, iz česar sledi, da je adaptacija žuželk na obrambni mehanizem rastlin zelo verjetno večstopenjski proces.
Descriptors     POTATOES