Author/Editor     Weygand-Ðurašević, Ivana; Lenhard, Boris; Filipić-Ročak, Sanda; Rokov, Jasmina; Landeka, Irena; Mijaković, Ivan
Title     Organellar and cytosolic seryl-tRNA syntheses: structural, functional and evolutionary aspects
Translated title     Strukturni, funkcionalni in evolucijski vidiki organelskih in citosolskih seril-tRNA sintetaz
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 1-2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 109-16
Language     eng
Abstract     The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are large family of house-keeping enzymes esential for translation of genetic information. In eukaryotic cells they are found in cytosol amd in all protein-synthetizing organogelles. In our study of the structure/function relationships in the family of serine specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthesis, we have focused on identifting structuraly based differences in the mechanism of serylation performed by organellar and cytosolic enzymes.
Summary     Aminoacil-tRNA sintetaze so velika družina encimov, ki so nujno potrebni za pravilno translacijo genetske informacije. V evkariotskih celicah jih najdemo v citosolu in v vseh organelih, ki sintetizirajo proteine. V naših raziskavah zveze med strukturo in funkcijo v družini serinsko specifičnih aminoacilnih-tRNA sintetazmo se osredotočili na ugotavljanje strukturno pogojenih razlik med organelnimi in citosolnimi encimi pri pripenjanjuu serinskega ostanka na tRNA.
Descriptors     RNA, TRANSFER, SER