Author/Editor     Bračko, Gregor
Title     Review of the ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Slovenia
Translated title     Pregled favne mravelj (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Slovenije
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 4
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 37-54
Language     eng
Abstract     The first comprehensive review of the ant fauna on the territory of Slovenia is presented. Previously published data on ants found in this area as well as material from some collections was used. In the territory of Slovenia, 105 ant species have been recorded. The data on the UTM quadrants (10 x10 km) in which the species were found together with the references is given in the list. The ant fauna of different phytogeographical regions of Slovenia is compared. The highest number of species were recorded in the Submediterranean phytogeographical region (southwestern Slovenia) - which is also the best investigated area - while the ants in the eastern part of the country are still quite poorly known. Species were categorized biogeographically on the basis of their general distribution data. Most species found had European, Central and Southern European, Palearctic, and Eurosiberian biogeographical affiliations. The diversity of ant fauna according to the different biogeographical affiliations of species was greatest in the Submediterranean phytogeographical region.
Summary     Predstavljen je prvi obsežen pregled favne mravelj Slovenskega ozemlja. Uporabljeni so bili že predhodno objavljeni podatki o mravljah, najdenih na tem območju, kot tudi material iz nekaterih zbirk. Na ozemlju Slovenije je bilo do sedaj ugotovljenih 105 vrst mravelj. V seznamu vrst so navedeni podatki o kvadratih UTM (10 x10 km), kjer so bile vrste najdene, skupaj z referencami. Narejena je primerjava mravlje favne različnih fitogeografskih območij Slovenije. V submediteranskem fitogeografskem območju (jugozahodni del Slovenije), ki je tudi najbolje raziskano območje, je bilo najdeno največje število vrst, medtem ko so mravlje iz vzhodnega dela Slovenije še precej slabo poznane. Vrste so bile biogeografsko uvrščene na osnovi podatkov o njihovi splošni razširjenosti. Največ vrst je bilo z evropsko, srednje- in južnoevropsko, palearktično in evrosibirsko biogeografsko pripadnostjo. Raznolikost mravlje favne, upostevajoč različno biogeografsko pripadnost vrst, je bila največja v submediteranskem fitogeografskem območju.
Descriptors     ANTS