Author/Editor     Poplas-Susič, Tonka
Title     Nefarmakološki pristop k zdravljenju menopavzanih (klimakteričnih) težav v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine
Translated title     Nonmedicamentous approach to the treatment of menopausal problems in the consulting room of family doctor
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 7-8
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 236-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Nonmedicamentous approaches to the treatment of menopausal problems are elucidated. Influences of healthy lifestyle, adequate nourishment, regular physical exercises, relaxation, vitamins, maintenance of adequate body weight and acupuncture on the improvement of menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis are described. It is important to know, however, that there is no immediate effect in the enumerated approaches, that the treatment has to be chosen for each woman separately and exclusively, and that the follow-up and monitoring of each woman is a part of therapeutic procedure, as well as the tolerance from the side of both medical personnel and patients.
Summary     Prispevek osvetljuje nefarmakološke pristope k zdravljenju menopavznih težav. Opisani so vplivi zdravega življenjskega sloga, pravilne prehrane, redne telesne vadbe, sprostitve, vitaminov, vzdrževanje primerne telesne teže in akupunkture na izboljšanje menopavznih simptomov, bolezni srca in ožilja in osteoporozo. Pomembno je vedeti, da učinek naštetih pristopov ni takojšen, da je potrebno zdravljenje izbrati z vsako žensko individualno in izključno zanjo ter da je sledenje in spremljanje posameznice ter strpnost tako s strani medicinskega kadra kot s strani bolnic del terapevtskega postopka.
Descriptors     MENOPAUSE