Author/Editor     Kurent, Zoran
Title     Kronični hiperplastični rinitis - razvrstitev in zdravljenje
Translated title     Chronic hyperplastic rhinitis - classification and treatment
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 7-8
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 258-61
Language     slo
Abstract     Chronic hyperplastic rhinitis is influenced by endogenous and exogenous inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the nasal and paranasal cavities. Its association with asthma is based upon immunologic uniformity of respiratory mucosa. Vice versa, improvement of chronic rhinitis diminishes asthma. The most common pathophysiological mechanism involved is eosinophilic inflammation. The topical glucocorticoid is the treatment of choice. Chronic course of the disease, frequently interrupted by exacerbations, and the need for regular consumption of the drugs, require motivation and education of the patient. The effectiveness of treatment depends on his or her compliance.
Summary     Kronični hiperplastični rinitis (KHR) je posledica endogeno in eksogeno sproženih vnetnih dogajanj v sluznici nosnega organa. Zaradi imunološke enovitosti sluznice dihal je KHR najpogostejši vzrok astmi. Uelja tudi obratno, uspešno zdravljenje kroničnega rinitisa izboljša astmo. Najpogostejši patofiziološki mehanizem je eozinofilno vnetje, ki ga najučinkoviteje zdravimo s topičnim glukokortikosteroidom. Kronična narava bolezni s številnimi poslabšanji in potreba po rednem zdravljenju zahtevata ustrezen poduk, motiviranost in sodelovanje bolnika.
Descriptors     RHINITIS