Author/Editor     Willfurth, Peter; Mayer, Ramona; Stranzl, Heidi; Prettenhofer, Ulrike; Genser, Bernd; Arnulf, Hackl
Title     Dividing patients with brain metastases into classes derived from the RTOG recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) with emphasis on prognostic poorer patient groups
Translated title     Razvrstitev bolnikov z možganskimi metastazami v skupine, ki jih priporoča RTOG analiza, s poudarkom na prognostično slabe bolnike
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 127-31
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. The aim of our study was to investigate whether selecting the patients with brain metastases by classifying them into three classes according to the results of the recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) is useful or not for further decision concerning altered treatment schedules in patients. Patients and methods. The investigated group included 57 male and 48 female patients having received whole brain radiotherapy in a total dose of 30 Gy/ 3 Gy daily / 5 days a week. Patients who had surgical excision of brain metastases or had radiosurgical intervention were excluded. All patients were stratified according to the findings of RPA (Class I: Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) =70, age <65, controlled primary tumour, no other metastases; Class II; not Class I or III; Class III KPS <70). Results. The six/twelve months survival probability for classes I to III was 80 %/44 %, 43 %/17 % and 6 %/0 %, respectively. KPS and extracerebral tumour activity, but not age (<>65) had an impact on survival according to multivariate analysis. Conclusions. Selecting the patients by dividing them into the three RPA classes seems to be useful. Considering the short survival time in RPA Class III, those patients might be well treated with a shorter treatment course.
Summary     Izhodišča. Namen naše raziskave je bilo ugotoviti, ali je razvrščanje bolnikov v skupine, ki jih priporoča RTOG analiza (RPA) koristno za nadaljnjo odločanje, kako zdraviti bolnnike z možganskimi metastazami. Bolniki in metode. Retrospektivno smo analizirali 57 bolnikov in 48 bolnic, ki smo jim predhodno obsevali možgane s skupno tumorsko dozo 30 Gy / 3 Gy dnevno / 5 krat na teden. Bolnike, pri katerih smo možganske metastaze zdravili tudi kirurško ali z radiokirurgijo, smo izključili iz študije. Obravnavane bolnike smo razvrstili v skupine glede na stanje splošne zmogljivosti po Karnofskem (KPS) in glede na starost (skupina I: KPS=70, starost <65, nadzorovan primarni tumor, brez drugih oddaljenih metastaz; skupina II: bolniki, ki niso razvrščeni v skupino I ali III; skupina III: KPS<70). Rezultati. Verjetnost šest in dvanajstmesečnega preživetja za skupine I, II in III je bila 80 %/44 %, 43 %/17 % in 6 %/0 %. Z multivariantno analizo smo ugotovili, da sta na preživetje vplivala predvsem KPS in rast primarnega tumorja, ne pa starost bolnikov. Zaključki. Menimo, da je razvrščanje bolnikov v skupine, kot ga priporoča RTOG analiza (RPA), koristno. Bolnike, ki smo jih razvrstili v skupino III, lahko zaradi kratkega preživetja časa zdravimo s krajšim načinom obsevanja.
Descriptors     BRAIN NEOPLASMS