Author/Editor     Krištofelc, Frenk
Title     Infekti v etiologiji zelo prezgodnjega poroda
Translated title     Infection in the etiology of very preterm labour and delivery
Type     članek
Source     In: Novak-Antolič Ž, editor. Prezgodnji porod in nedonošenček. Zbornik prispevkov 8. Novakovi dnevi z mednarodno udeležbo; 2001 maj 31-jun 2; Maribor. Ljubljana: Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje za perinatalno medicino,
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 70-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. One of recurrently perceived phenomena in preterm labour is a detected presence of bacteria in the lower genital tract and/or in amniotic fluid and placenta. Such infection is considered to be a significant factor in the initiation of preterm labour. Methods. We have processed the National Perinatal Information Systems (NPIS) data on preterm labour in Slovenia for 1999. Each labour occurring between the 26th and 32nd week of pregnancy was considered a preterm labour. Those labours were compared to term labours (after 37th week of pregnancy). We have compared data on the appearance of infection during pregnancy and after delivery with antibiotics use during pregnancy. Results. It has been established that there is no provable difference in antibiotic use during pregnancy in either of the groups observed. Colpitis, urinal tract infection and other infections were more frequently discovered in the group of pregnant women with term labour. The incidence of endometritis and other postpartum infections was significantly higher in the group with preterm labour. In Slovenia, 0-50% of women with preterm labour had a therapy with the use of antibiotic during pregnancy, and 11-65% of women with term labour. Conclusion. According to the NPIS data, it is not possible to accurately determine when a preterm labour is connected with the infection of lower genital tract, and whether the infection could be a single reason for preterm labour. The doctrinal management of preterm labour, as well as antibiotic use during pregnancy should be precisely defined. The method of assembling the NPIS data in accordance with the modified doctrine should also be altered.
Descriptors     LABOR, PREMATURE