Author/Editor     Kosec, Dragica
Title     Slabovidnost
Translated title     Amblyopia
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 35-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Amblyopia is an impairment of vision with weaker visual acuity of one or both eyes, which usually develops in early childhood and is not due to an organic lesion. The most critical period for the development of vision is from the first month after birth until the age of two, when the cellular structure of brain cells and photoreceptors of the retina mature. The most frequent reasons for visual impairment are ametropia and anisometropia. However, amblyopia can also develop, because of deprivation, until the age of eight. The treatment of amblyopia is removal of the source, (i.e. correction of ametropia, surgery for congenital cataract, etc.) occlusion of the healthier eye, and pleoptic exercises in cases in which none of the methods give a favourable result. Therapy is most successful in early childhood.
Summary     Slabovidnost ali ambliopija pomeni slabšo vidno ostrino posameznega ali obeh očes brez organskega vzroka in se navadno razvije v otroštvu: Najbolj kritično obdobje za razvoj vida so prvi meseci po rojstvu in vse do drugega leta starosti, ko celična struktura možganskih celic in fotoreceptorjev mrežnice dozoreva. Daleč najpogostejši vzrok za slabovidnost je ametropija in anizometropija.Toda slabovidnost se zaradi deprivacije lahko razvije še vse do osmega leta starosti. Terapija slabovidnosti je odprava vzroka za nastanek slabovidnosti (korekcija ametropije, operacija ptoze, operacija kongenitalne katarakte ...), okluzija boljšega česa in kolikor to ne da ugodnih rezultatov, še pleoptične vaje. Uspeh zdravljenja je boljši, čim mlajši je otrok.
Descriptors     AMBLYOPIA