Author/Editor     Flis, V
Title     Doktrina o zavestni privolitvi v pediatriji
Translated title     The doctrine of informed consent in the filed of paediatrics
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. 2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 54-9
Language     slo
Abstract     A dilemma exists when the physician is faced with a child or young person who refuses medically indicated treatment. It is at present the case that a child who consents to medically proposed treatment is always considered, in ethical terms of autonomy, as a competent person and, in the case of refusal, as a rule as incompetent. The problem of informed consent in the fieid of paediatrics is also complicated by the fact that there often existvery different opinions regarding the medical treatment between parents, children and physicians and that there exists a deep paternalistic relationship between parents and children and often the same relationship between parents and physicians. The author outlines some essentiat concepts of the doctrine of informed consent and discusses the possible implications for the field of paediatrics.
Summary     Ko se zdravnik sreča z otrokom, ki odklanja zdravljenje, se pojavijo številne zagate. Trenutno stanje je takšno, da otroku, ki privoli v zdravljenje, prisojamo zmožnost samostojnega odločanja in mu v etičnih pogledih priznavamo status avtonomne osebnosti, otroku, ki odkloni zdravljenje, pa to praviloma odrekamo. Dodatno se koncept o zavestni privolitvi na področju pediatrije zaplete z dejstvom, da pogosto obstajajo med starši, otroki in zdravniki različna mnenja o nameravanem načinu zdravljenja. Odnos med otroki in starši je praviloma zelo paternalističen in pogosto obstaja takšen odnos tudi med starši in zdravniki. Avtor v pričujočem članku oriše nekatere osnovne koncepte doktrine o zavestni privolitvi in razpravlja o njenih vplivih na področju pediatrije,
Descriptors     INFORMED CONSENT