Author/Editor     Rus, R; Bratanič, N; Tanšek, M; Battelino, T
Title     Reyev sindrom in bolezni s podobnim kliničnim potekom
Translated title     Reye syndrome and "Reye like" diseases
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 123-5
Language     slo
Abstract     We report a case of a 4-years-old boy; who presented with typical clinical manifestations of Reye syndrome. Laboratorial findings suggested the medium chain acyl CoA dehidrogenase deficiency (MCAp) that is an inherited defect of mitochondrial beta oxydation. Epidemiology, clinical picture, differential diagnosis and therapy of Reye syndrome and Reye like diseases such as MCAD are presented.
Summary     Prispevek opisuje primer štiriletnega dečka s kliničnimi znaki Reyevega sindroma. Izvidi so kazali na možnost pomanjkanja dehidrogenaze srednjeverižnega acil-CoA (MCAD), kar je prirojena motnja v beta oksidaciji maščobnih kislin. Članek predstavlja epidemiologijo, klinično sliko in zdravljenje ter diferencialno diagnostiko Reyevega sindroma ter bolezni s podobnim kliničnim potekom kot je MCAD.
Descriptors     REYE'S SYNDROME