Author/Editor     Kruljc, P
Title     Možganski valovi beta, alfa, teta in delta ter njihova medsebojna razmerja med anestezijo s ketaminom in halotanom pri konjih
Translated title     Beta, alpha, theta and delta brain waves and their proportions during ketamine- and halothane-induced anaesthesia in horses
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 179-86
Language     slo
Abstract     The study was carried out on ten cold-blood horses, divided into two groups and several time periods. The values of beta, alpha, theta and delta brain waves were monitored during general anaesthesia induced with ketamine and halothane after premedication with detomidine and butorphanol. A pEEG monitor with computer-modified EEG and measurements of individual brain wave proportions (beta, alpha, theta, delta) was used, as well as an anaesthesia monitor to control the vital functions of the horses. During anaesthesia pain sensation was examined as well. Ketamine-induced anaesthesia is characterised by intense and discordant activity of the two cerebral hemispheres. The proportion of brain waves resembled the values measured before the beginning of the experiment, although the horses were anaesthetised. During halothane-induced anaesthesia a decrease in high-frequency wave proportion and an increase in low-frequency wave proportion were established. Delta wave proportion did not change.
Summary     Raziskavo smo opravili na desetih hladnokrvnih konjih, ki smo jih razdelili v dve skupini in na več časovnih obdobij. Spremljali smo vrednosti možganskih valov beta, alfa, teta in delta med splošno anestezijo s ketaminom in halotanom po premedikaciji z detorriidinom in butorfanolom. Uporabili smo pEEG monitor z računalniško predelanim EEG in meritvami deležev možganskih valov (beta, alfa, teta, delta), kakor tudi anestezijski monitor, s katerim smo nadzorovali življenjske funkcije konjev. Med anestezijami smo preverjali tudi zaznavanje bolečine. Pri anesteziji s ketaminom je značilna velika in neubrana možganska aktivnost obeh možganskih hemisfer. Deleži možganskih valov so bili podobni vrednostim izmerjenim pred pričetkom raziskave kljub temu, da so bili konji v anesteziji. Med anestezijo s halotanom smo ugotovili znižanje deleža valov večje frekvence in povečanje deleža valov z manjšo frekvenco. Delež valov delta se ni spremenil.