Author/Editor     Puc, Marko; Flisar, Karel; Reberšek, Stanislav; Miklavčič, Damijan
Title     Electroporator for in vitro cell permeabilization
Translated title     Elektroporator za permeabilizacijo celičnih membran in vitro
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 3
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 203-7
Language     eng
Abstract     The use of high voltage electric pulse technology, electroporation, in cell biology, biotechnology and medicine has attracted an enormous interest. Electroporation is a transient phenomenon that increases the permeability of cell plasma membrane. In the state of high permeability, the plasma membrane allows small and large molecules to be introduced into the cytoplasm, although the cell plasma membrane represents a considerable barrier for them in its normal state. The effectiveness of electroporation depends on many parameters that can be divided into the parameters of the electric field and the parameters that define the state of cells and their surrounding i.e, temperature, osmotic pressure, etc. In this article, we present a prototype electroporator GT-1 for in vitro electropermeabilization that we have developed. Our electroporator offers a vast flexibility of parameters and can generate high and low voltage pulses, of which the latter ones are used for electrophoretic transfer of charged molecules through permeabilized cell plasma membrane.
Summary     Elektroporacija je pojav, pri katerem s kratkotrajnim visokonapetostnim električnim impulzom v membrani biološke celice povzročimo strukturne spremembe. Pore, ki nastanejo v plazmalemi, povečajo prepustnost, zato lahko snovi neposredno vstopajo v celico. Učinkovitost elektroporacije je odvisna od številnih parametrov, ki jih razdelimo na električne parametre in parametre, ki so povezani s stanjem celic in njihovo okolico npr. osmotski tlak, temperatura itd. V tem delu predstavljamo prototip elektroporatorja GT-1 za in vitro elektroporacijo. Napravo smo zasnovali tako, da omogoča spreminjanje električnih parametrov na širokem področju. Poleg visokonapetostnih impulzov pa naprava proizvaja tudi nizkonapetostne impulze, ki se jih navadno uporablja za elektroforetični vnos nabitih molekul preko električno permeabilizirane plazmaleme.