Author/Editor     Germ, Mateja; Gaberščik, Alenka; Urbanc-Berčič, Olga
Title     Vodni makrofiti v rekah Savi, Kolpi in Krki
Translated title     Aquatic macrophytes in the rivers Sava, Kolpa and Krka
Type     članek
Source     Ichthyos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 16, št. 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 23-34
Language     eng
Abstract     The paper discusses the distribution of aquatic macrophytes colonising the river bed in three largest rivers in Slovenia. The survey was carried out in the years 1995 and 1996. The studied Rivers Sava, Kolpa and Krka have a different character due to their length, width, current velocity, type of substratum, catchment and land-use pattern beyond the riparian zone. These contrasting environmental conditions result in a different macrophyte species composition and distribution in the rivers as well as between individual stretches of the same watercourse. In the River Sava submersed macrophytes are scarce and species composition is poor. Just 12 macrophyte species were determined. In the River Kolpa, where macrophytes are abundant in the middle and lower course, 15 macrophyte species were found. The River Krka, where 24 species were determined, shows the greatest species variety in the entire course.
Summary     V članku je predstavljeno pojavljanje makrofitov, ki rastejo v rečni strugi v treh najdaljših rekah Slovenije, v Savi, Kolpi in Krki. Reke se razlikujejo glede na dolžino, širino, hitrost vodnega toka, substrat, porečje in rabo zemljišča za obrežnim pasom. Razporeditev makrofitov je posledica različnih okoljskih dejavnikov v rečnem ekosistemu. V strugi Save je pestrost makrofitskih vrst najmanjša, sestoji so redki, saj hitrost vodnega toka in neustrezen substrat rastlinam otežujeta ukoreninjenje.V strugi Save smo našteli 12 vrst makrofitov. V Kolpi so sestoji makrofitov pogostejši v srednjem in spodnjem toku reke. Določili smo 15 vrst. Največ vodnih makrofitov smo določili v Krki. Počasen tok vode in ustrezen substrat omogočata ukoreninjenje kar 24 vrstam.
Descriptors     FRESH WATER