Author/Editor     Preželj, Andrej; Pečar, Slavko
Title     Zloraba učinkov klenbuterola
Translated title     Abuse of clenbuterol effects
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 39-44
Language     slo
Abstract     A wide range of substances is currently employed in veterinary medicine and in the production of food products for human consumption. Although important economically, there are well-recognised hazards, both actual and potential. Beta2 agonists are originally used as bronchospasmolytics in humans, but administered to animals at a higher dosage, a positive effect on growth as well as the protein/fat tissue ratio also is observed. Considering the lack of toxicological data and the potential risk for human health, use of Beta2 agonists as growth promoters is banned. Clenbuterol has been the most frequently used as illegal growth promoter in many European countries. The monitoring of these compounds is required for the control of residues in meat, as well as for the detection of these substances in anti-doping controls. That is why the availability of simple and sensitive analytical methods is an important prerequisite for the combat of illegal use of beta2 agonists.
Summary     V veterini in v prehrambeno-pridelovalne namene danes uporabljamo široko paleto različnih spojin. Kljub pomembnemu ekonomskemu vidiku se moramo zavedati, njihovih realnih in potencialnih škodljivih učinkov. Agoniste beta2 pri ljudeh uporabljamo kot bronhospazmolitike. Če pa jih v večjih odmerkih dajemo živalim, opazimo pospešeno rast in povečano razmerje med mišičnim in maščobnim tkivom. Zaradi pomanjkanja toksikoloških podatkov in potencialnega tveganja za zdravje ljudi je uporaba agonistov beta2 kot promotorjev rasti prepovedana. V številnih evropskih državah so nelegalno kot promotor rasti najpogosteje uporabljali klenbuterol. Zahtevana sta spremljanje in nadzor prisotnosti agonistov (beta2 v mesu, kot tudi detekcija pri antidoping kontroli. Zato je dostopnost enostavne in občutljive metode pomembna kot prvi pogoj za boj proti zlorabi agonistov beta2.
Descriptors     CLENBUTEROL