Author/Editor     Potočnik, Slavko; Pori, Lucija
Title     Ali lahko avtonomno potapljanje škoduje noseči ženski in njenemu razvijajočemu plodu
Translated title     Is scuba diving harmful for a pregnant woman and her unborn child?
Type     članek
Source     Šport
Vol. and No.     Letnik 49, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 19-25
Language     slo
Abstract     The question whether women should practise diving during pregnancy raised a lot of discussion and contradictory opinions. This article is an attempt to answer this question and is based on our knowledge of physics and physiology which are the key to understanding the human ability to function in the underwater world. After studying articles we came to the conclusion that a normal dive to 9 m can neither practically nor theoretically cause decompression sickness in a pregnant woman. Decompression sickness (bubbles in the tissue) can be caused a quick ascent to the surface, barotrauma of the lungs can damage the lung tissue and the ait comes directly in the arterial blood of the expectant mother. We think that this article will contribute to the enlightment of the problems of diving during pregnancy and when considering suggested safety procedures diving can contribute to good mental and physical condition of expectant woman and her unborn child.
Summary     Športna aktivnost, razen ko gre za rizično nosečnost, je koristna in nepogrešljiva oblika vzdrževanja telesnih in duševnih sposobnosti noseče ženske. V primeru, če je izbrana oblika aktivnosti potapljanje, pa obstaja upravičen strah, da lahko okolje povečanega tlaka povzroči težave noseči ženski in v njej razvijajočem se plodu. Napredek v tehnologiji potapljanja in izurjenost potapljačev sta pripomogla, da danes uvrščamo potapljanje med najvarnejše športe. Če je res tako, zakaj se potemtakem med nosečnostjo ne bi potapljale tudi ženske? Pri odgovoru na to vprašanje si bomo pomagali s fizikalno-fiziološkimi spoznanji, ki pogojujejo človekovo bivanje in delovanje v podvodnem svetu, s članki, z deli in raziskavami, ki obravnavajo potapljanje žensk, ter z najnovejšimi spoznanji proučevanja dekompresijske bolezni in potapljaških nesreč.
Descriptors     DIVING