Author/Editor     Fras, Zlatko
Title     Spremembe v mikrocirkulaciji pri sladkorni bolezni
Translated title     Microcirculatory alterations in diabetes mellitus
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 55-71
Language     slo
Abstract     Late complications in diabetes mainly reflect disorders in microcirculation. Diabetic microangiopathy is a generalised process, even though its clinical features of nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy are better known. Muscles, the skin and heart are affected too. The most important factors in the development of microangiopathy are the duration of diabetes and proper metabolic control. The pathogenesis of this disorder is extremely complex and involves several factors. The development of new techniques for the assessment of microcirculation has enabled a better insight into various stages in the development of this disease and its key pathophysiological processes. Important data support the hemodynamic hypothesis with an increase in blood flow and pressure in small blood vessels during the initial stage of the disease. A consequence of endothelial damage is compensatory microvascular sclerosis, and a reduction of vasodilatory reserve and autoregulatory capacity. Disturbed functioning of endothelial cells, thickening of capillary membrane, atrophy of pericytes and vessel wall hypoxia cause increased transcapillary transport of various substances. Soon structural changes in capillaries occur which, together with simultaneously increased viscosity and hypercoagulability of blood, can cause capillary obstruction and tissue necrosis. The pattern of pathological changes in microcirculation probably varies in different forms of diabetes. In the insulin-independent form it could reflect the pre-diabetic phase of insulin resistance. The paper presents the framework of key pathophysiological processes, an attempt at describing the mutual connection of neuropathy and microangiopathy, includes a description of microcirculatory changes in diabetic foot, and some details of the importance of free radicals in the development of the disease.
Summary     Večina poznih zapletov sladkorne bolezni je odraz prizadetosti mikrocirkulacije. Diabetična mikroangiopatija je generalizirano bolezensko dogajanje, čeprav so bolj znane klinične slike nefropatije, retinopatije, nevropatije, prizadetosti mišic, kože in srca. Najpomembnejša dejavnika pri razvoju mikroangiopatije sta presnovna (ne)urejenost in trajanje sladkorne bolezni. Patogeneza je izjemno zapletena in vključuje številne mehanizme. Šele razvoj novih tehnik za vrednotenje mikrožilne funkcije je omogočil jasnejšo sliko različnih stadijev v napredovanju bolezni in vanjo vključenih patofizioloških procesov. Pomembni dokazi podpirajo hemodinamsko hipotezo, s povečanjem pretoka in tlaka v majhnem žilju v začetku bolezni. Posledica endotelijske poškodbe je prilagoditvena mikrovaskularna skleroza, zmanjšanje vazodilatacijske rezerve in sposobnosti avtoregulacije. Moteno delovanje endotelijskih celic, debelitev kapilarne membrane, atrofija pericitov in hipoksija žilne stene povzročijo povečano transkapilarno prehajanje različnih snovi. Kmalu pride tudi do trajnih strukturnih sprememb v kapilarnem področju, kar lahko ob sočasno povečani viskoznosti in hiperkoagulabilnosti krvi povzroči zapore kapilar in celo odmiranje tkiva. Vzorec bolezenskih sprememb mikrocirkulacije je pri različnih oblikah sladkorne bolezni verjetno različen, kar je pri obliki, ki ni odvisna od insulina, lahko odraz preddiabetične insulinsko odporne faze. V prispevku je podan okvir ključnih patofizioloških dogajanj, poskus opredelitve medsebojne povezanosti nevropatije in mikroangiopatije, opis mikrocirkulacijskih sprememb pri diabetični nogi, nekoliko širše pa tudi pomen prostih radikalov v nastanku bolezni.