Author/Editor     Bizjak, Simona; Kersnik, Janko
Title     Pogostost akutnih okužb dihal v družinski medicini
Translated title     Acute respiratory tract infections in general practices
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 11-12
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 335-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Due to high frequency, certain risk of related complications, absenteeism, direct and indirect costs related to them, acute respiratory infections represent a significant health problem. In Slovenia epidemiological data of diseases are collected by the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. From statistic annals, published by this Institute, the epidemiological data on acute respiratory infection for the last four years have been analysed. Acute respiratory infection are the most frequent reason for visits in general practices. The most frequent diagnoses are acute tonsilitis (20%), acute pharingitis (16%), acute nasopharingitis (8%) and acute bronchitis (890). In the year 2000, 1,398,298 days were lost because of pulmonary diseases, which represent 10% of all days off work. Although the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of respiratory infections are not demanding, all general practitioners should be aware of the problem.
Summary     Akutne okužbe dihal so zaradi pogostosti, možnosti nastanka zapletov, odsotnosti z dela, posrednih in neposrednih stroškov pomemben zdravstveni problem. V Sloveniji spremlja epidemiološke podatke o boleznih Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije (IVZ RS). Iz statističnega letopisa, ki ga izdaja ta inštitut, smo analizirali epidemiološke podatke o okužbah dihal v ambulantni praksi zadnjih štirih let. Akutne okužbe dihal so daleč najpogostejši vzrok za obisk pri splošnem/družinskem zdravniku. Najpogostejše diagnoze so: akutni tonzilitjs (20%), akutne infekcije zgornjih dihal na več neopredeljenih mestih (23%), akutni faringitis (16%), akutni nazofaringitis (8%) in akutni bronhitis (8%). Leta 2000 je bilo zaradi bolezni pljuč izgubljenih kar 1.398.298 delovnih dni, kar predstavlja 10% vseh odsotnosti z dela. Kljub temu, da je diagnosticiranje in zdravljenje okužb dihal nezahtevno, se moramo zdravniki splošne/družlnske medicine zavedati resnosti problema.