Author/Editor     Golob, Z
Title     T3 in T4 v krvnem serumu, nekateri elementi v perju in iztrebkih ter višina vrhnjice na glavi pri papigi skobčevki (Melopsittacus undulatus) po tretiranju z L-T4 in TRH
Translated title     T3 and T4 blood serum concentrations, some elements in plumage and excrements, and head epidermis height in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) after treatment with L-T4 and THR
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 217-25
Language     slo, eng
Abstract     In the main experiment 64 six to eight-month-old budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) were included; 26 of them were treated with high doses of L-T4 (1000 microg kg-1.b.w., 25 days successively; Vobenol, LEK Ljubljana, Slovenia) and 38 were controls. Subsequently, i.e. after 25 days, seven of the treated and twelve of the control animals received TRH (VEB Berlin-Chemie, Germany) in a dose of 10 pg kgu b.w., three times weekly, ten weeks successively. The blood-serum T3 and T4 values, as well as the head epidermis height were recorded during the period September - December. L-T4 treatment accelerated the elimination of feathers during moult (in September). The high T3 and T4 blood serum values in animals treated with L-T4 decreased when treatment was omitted, from October 5 to November 24, and did level with the values of nontreated animals in December. The highest average epidermis height in L-T4 treated animals was in October (8.69 +- 0.41 microm). It almost leveld with the average value of control animals in November. In control animals the serum thyroid hormones had higher values twice, in September and December. The first increase was linked to the moult and the second one presumably to a drop in the room temperature to 13 degreesC. The head epidermis in control animals was significantly higher during moult (6.79 +- 0.17 microm) than in December (4.28 +- 0.35 microm). TRH treatment activated the thyroid glands in control animals, as well as in the animals with highly supressed thyroid gland activity due to the L-T4 treatment. Additionally, 16 animals were included in the experiment; 8 of them were controls and 8 treated with L-T4 500 microg kga b.w., 16 days successively. The dose was efficient with regard to the promotion of feather loss and nontoxic in comparison to the dose of L-T4 1000 microg kg-1 b.w.
Summary     V glavni poskus je bilo vključenih 64 šest do osem mesecev starih papig skobčevk (Melopsittacus undulatus); 26 je bilo tretiranih z visokimi dozami tiroksina (L-T4 1000 microg kgn t. t.; Vobenol, LEK Ljubljana), 38 pa je bilo kontrolnih. Naknadno, tj. po 25 dneh, je sedem tretiranih in dvanajst kontrolnih živali prejelo TRH (VEB Berlin-Chemie, Nemčija) v dozi 10 pg kgn, in sicer trikrat tedensko deset tednov zapored. Merili smo vrednosti T3 in T4 v krvnem serumu in višino vrhnjice z glave v obdobju september - december. Tretiranje z L-T4 je pospešilo odstranjevanje peres med golitvijo (tj. v septembru). Visoke vrednosti T3 in T4 v krvnem serumu živali, tretiranih z L-T4, so hitro upadle po prekinitvi tretiranja od 5. oktobra do 24. novembra in so se v decembru izenačile s tistimi pri kontrolnih živalih. Povprečna višina vrhnjice pri živalih, tretiranih z L-T4, je bila največja v oktobru (8,69 +- 0,41 pm), z vrednostmi pri kontrolnih živalih pa se je skoraj izenačila v novembru. Pri kontrolnih živalih sta bili ugotovljeni večji vrednosti ščitničnih hormonov v krvnem serumu septembra in decembra. Prvi primer je bil povezan z golitvijo, drugi pa domnevno s padcem temperature v prostoru z živalmi z 20 na 13 degreesC. Vrhnjica glave je bila pri kontrolnih živalih debelejša med golitvijo (6,79 +- 0,17 microm) kot v decembru (4,28 +- 0,35 pm), kar posredno kaže na to, da je dvig ščitničnih hormonov v septembru specifično povezan z regeneracijo peres. Dodatno smo vključili v poskus 16 živali, od katerih je bilo 8 kontrolnih in 8 tretiranih z L-T4 500 microg kg-1 t. t. 16 dni zapored. Doza je učinkovito spodbudila golitev in ni bila toksična v primerjavi z dozo 1000 pg kg- t. t. TRH je spodbudil ščitnice tako pri kontrolnih živalih kot tudi pri tistih, ki so imele zaradi tretiranja z L-T4 zelo zavrto ščitnično aktivnost.
Descriptors     PARROTS