Author/Editor     Piccione, G; Assenza, A; Attanzio, G; Fazio, F; Caola, G
Title     Chronophysiology of arterial blood pressure and heart rate in athletic horses
Translated title     Kronofiziologija arterijskega krvnega tlaka in srčnega utripa pri športnih konjih
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 251-6
Language     eng
Abstract     The study of chronophysiological responses to physical activity involving the athlete's whole organism, is a complex matter as is the functional evaluation of the athlete. We can simplify it by studying the parameters which are indices of functionality, such as maximum oxygen consumption, heart rate, blood lactate and arterial pressure. Recently, sport chronobiology began studying circadian variations in the cardiocirculatory system, which, since they greatly influence the energetic metabolism of the whole organism, can give a good picture of its global functioning. The lack of data on cardiovascular chronophysiology in the domestic species, particularly in the athletic horse, led us to continue the research we had been doing for some time with the aim of learning more about cardiovascular temporal organization in the horse. Specifically, we wanted to study the circasemidian, circadian and circatrigintan rhythms of arterial blood pressure and heart rate in the athlete at rest. Our research, by applying rigorous statistical methodologies, that use periodic mathematical models, made it possible to observe in the athletic horse, rhythmic variations at different frequencies (circasemidian, circadian and circatrigintan) in both systolic and diastolic pressure and in heart rate. The results obtained thus help to identify the temporal interval in which the organism seems to perform best.
Summary     Proučevanje kronofiziološkega odziva na telesno aktivnost in funkcionalno ovrednotenje športne živali je kompleksen proces. Poenostavimo ga lahko s preiskovanjem parametrov, ki so pokazatelji dejavnosti, kot so največja poraba kisika, srčni utrip, vsebnost laktata v krvi in arterijski krvni tlak. V zadnjem času so v okviru športne kronofiziologije začeli proučevati dnevna nihanja kardiovaskularnega sistema, saj ta zaradi svojega velikega vpliva na energetski metabolizem celotnega organizma lahko podajo jasno sliko o splošnem delovanju organizma. Zaradi pomanjkanja podatkov o kardiovaskularni kronofiziologiji pri domačih živalih smo se odločili za nadaljevanje že pred časom začete študije o časovni organiziranosti kardiovaskularnega sistema pri športnih konjih. Zanimali so nas predvsem cirkasemidiani, cirkadiani in cirkatrigintani ritmi arterijskega krvnega pritiska in srčnega utripa pri športni živali med počitkom. V raziskavi smo uporabili rigorozne statistične metodologije s periodičnimi matematičnimi modeli in tako pri športnem konju spremljali ritmične variacije sistoličnega in diastoličnega krvnega tlaka in srčnega utripa pri različnih frekvencah (cirkasemidiani, cirkadiani in cirkatrigintani). Dobljeni rezultati nam omogočajo določitev časovnih intervalov, v katerih organizem verjetno deluje najbolje.
Descriptors     HORSES