Author/Editor     Godić, Aleksandar
Title     Vpliv tumorske mase na učinek zdravljenja z virusom newcastleske bolezni
Translated title     The influence of tumor mass on the effect of therapy with Newcastle disease virus
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 149-57
Language     slo
Abstract     Newcastle disease virus (NDV) has been shown to have an inhibitory influence on tumor growth in various experimental conditions. We studied the effect of daily applicatipn of a wild strain of NDV (NDV w.s:) and the effect of tumor mass on therapy with NDV w.s. in mice with intraperitoneally transplanted Ehrlich ascites tumor (i.p. EAT). 117 mice of CBA/H strain were used. They were divided into three groups: in the first one, therapy was started 1 week after tumor transplantation, in the second 2 weeks and in the third 3 weeks after tumor transplantation. The mice in experimental groups were treated with i.p. NDV w.s., and those in control groups with i.p. physiological saline. The virus was applied daily until the end of the experiment. The length of survival, number of metastases (macro and microscopically) end frequency.of ascites and tumor in the region of EAT transplantation were measured. The length of survival in experimental groups was prolonged, but the prolongation was significant only in the second group. The number of metastases was proportional to the length of survival. The frequency of ascites in experimental groups was lower. Tumor mass at the beginning of therapy had no significant effect on virus therapy. Only a lower frequency of ascites in the third group and an increasing frequency of tumors in the region of i.p. EAT injection from the first to the third group were found. The daily application of NDV w.s. in mice with i.p. EAT was shown to prolong survival of the animals; it also lowered the frequency of ascites, but had no effect on the number of metastases. Initial tumor mass had no significant influence on therapy with NDV w.s.
Summary     Virus newcastleske bolezni je pokazal zaviralni vpliv na tumorsko rast v različnih eksperimentalnih pogojih. V nalogi proučujemo učinek vsakodnevne aplikacije divjega seva virusa newcastleske bolezni in učinek izhodiščne mase tumorja na zdravljenje z njim pri miših z intraperitonealno presajenim Ehrlichovim ascitesnim tumorjem. Uporabili smo 117 miši seva CBA/H. Razdelili smo jih v tri skupine: pri prvi smo začeli s terapijo 1 teden, pri, drugi 2 tedna in pri tretji 3 tedne po presaditvi tumorja. Mišim v poskusnih skupinah smo intraperitonealno vbrizgali divji sev virusa newcastleske bolezni, v kontrolnih pa fiziološko raztopino. Zdravljenje smo izvajali vsak dan do konca poskusa. Merili smo trajanje preživetja, število tumorskih zasevkov (makroskopsko in mikroskopsko), pojavnost ascitesa in tumorja na mestu vbrizganja Ehrlichovega ascitesnega tumorja. Poskusne skupne so imele daljše preživetje v primerjavi s kontrolnimi, razlika je bila-značilna le v drugi skupini. Število tumorskih zasevkov je bilo sorazmerno s trajanjem preživetja. Poskusže skupine so imele znanjšo pojavnost ascitesa. Razlika v pojavnosti podkožnega tumorja ni bila značilna. Izhodiščna tumorska masa ni značilno vplivala na učinek zdravljenja z divjim sevom virusa newcastleske bolezni. Potrdili smo manjšo pojavnost ascitesa v tretji skupini in rastočo pojavnost tumorja na mestu vbrizgavanja Ehrlichovega ascitesnega tumorja od prve proti tretji skupini. Vsakodnevna aplikacija divjega seva virusa newcastleske bolezni pri intraperitonealno vbrizganim Ehrlichovim ascitesnim tumorjem je pokazala ugoden učinek na preživetje živali in pojav ascitesa, ne pa na število tumorskih zasevkov. Izhodiščna tumorska masa ni imela značilnega vpliva na zdravljenje z divjim sevom virusa newcasdeske bolezni.