Author/Editor     Tršinar, Bojan
Title     Rezultati zdravljenja benigne prostatične obstrukcije s finasteridom
Translated title     The results of treatment of benign prostatic obstruction with finasteride
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 70, št. 12
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 733-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Finasteride is an inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase. It prevents the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which results in gradual decrease in prostatic volumne. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of finasteride on subjective and objective symptomatic improvement in patients with benign prostatic obstruction (BPO). Patients and methods. This open prospective multicenter study of 6-month duration included 370 men, mean age 63 years (range; 45-75 yrs), with clinical manifestations of BPO. The enrolled patients received finasteride 5 mg/day. On the completion of therapy, the patients were assessed for symptomatic improvement, urinary flow and prostatic volume, determined by rectal examination and ultrasound. Total prostate-specific antigen levels in the serum were measured. At the end of the study, the patients were asked to evaluate the efficacy of finasteride therapy and to report its possible adverse side-effects. Statistical analysis of the results was done using the Student t-test. Results. Of the 370 patients enrolled, 303 (82%) completed the 6-month study period. The rate of urinary symptoms declined by an average of 55%, of which nocturia by 28% and difficulty in initiating the urinary stream by 74%. There was a statistically significant decrease in prostatic volume on rectal examination (14%; p<0.0001) and abdominal ultrasound (16%; p<0.0037). The difference between both measurements was statistically significant (p=0.0037). Finasteride produced a statistically significant improvement in maximum urinary flow rate and voiding time (p<0.0001 and p=0.0017, respectively). Untoward side-effects were experienced by 3.5% of the patients who had completed the 6-month period of finasteride therapy. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Finasterid je zaviralec encima 5-alfa-reduktaze. Preprečuje pretvorbo testosterona v dihidrotestosteron, posledica česar je postopno zmanjševanje volumna prostate. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti učinkovitost zdravljenja z zdravilom finasterid na subjektivne in objektivne spremembe mokrenja pri bolnikih z benigno prostatično obstrukcijo (BPO). Bolniki in metode. V odprto, prospektivno, nekontrolirano, multicentrično raziskavo je bilo vključenih 370 moških, starih povprečno 63 let (od 45 do 75 let), s kliničnimi težavami mokrenja zaradi BPO. Raziskava je trajala 6 mesecev. V tem času so bolniki prejemali finasterid 5 mg enkrat dnevno. Pred začetkom in po koncu raziskave smo ugotavljali težave pri mokrenju, v pretoku seča in velikosti volumna prostate (izmerjenega digitorektalno in s pomočjo transabdominalnega ultrazvoka-UZ) ter spremembo vrednosti celokupnega prostatičnega specifičnega antigena v serumu. Ob koncu zdravljenja so morali bolniki navesti tudi subjektivno oceno učinkovitosti zdravljenja s finasteridom in morebitne stranske učinke zdravila. Za statistično analizo podatkov smo uporabili Studentov t-test. Rezultati. Od 370 bolnikov, vključenih v raziskavo, so šestmesečno zdravljenje s finasteridom končali 303 bolniki (82%). Pogostnost neugodnih težav mokrenja se je zmanjšala za povprečno 55%, pri čemer se je za 28% zmanjšala pogostnost nikturije, za 74% pa težave s pričetkom mokrenja. Prav tako se je statistično pomembno zmanjšal volumen prostate, merjen z digitorektalnim pregledom (za 14%-p<0,0001) in s transabdominalnim UZ (za 16%-p<0,0001). Razlika med obema merjenjema je bila tudi statistično značilna (p=0,0037). Finasterid je statistično pomembno izboljšal največji pretok seča in čas mikcije (p<0,0001 oziroma p=0,0017). (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).