Author/Editor     Kores-Plesničar, Blanka; Razinger-Mihovec, Barbara
Title     Uporaba zdravilnih rastlin v psihiatriji
Translated title     Use of herbal medicines in psychiatry
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 70, št. 12
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 741-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. "Lost illusions" about conventional medicine, together with the orientation towards the "natural" way of life, lead into ever increasing use of alternative or complementary ways of treatment. Herbal medicines are entering into psychiatric practice with the intention of treatment (mostly selt-treatment) psychiatric symptoms. Side effects may include changes of mood, thinking processes or behaviour, and interactions with psychiatric medications. Conclusions. With this article we would like to draw attention to common self-treatment or self-medication in persons with psychiatric symptoms, and to the equally common fact that the physicians are-more often than not-unacquainted with this practice. Some of the most frequently used herbal medicines are presented in the article (registered in Slovenia as class C medicinal products). Regardless of their extensive use and implementation of regulatory procedures, in most cases qualitative and quantitative data are insufficient for final conclusions about their efficacy and safety to be reliable. Partial exception to this represents the use of St. Johns worth in the treatment of depression and ginko in the treatment of meory impairments in dementia. Self-treatment in general population should not be neglected, however, full professional scepticism should be maintained.
Summary     Izhodišča. "Izgubljene iluzije" o konvencionalni medicini, združene z željo "po naravnem" načinu življenja, vodijo v vse večjo uporabo alternativnih oz. komplementarnih zdravljenj. Zdravilne rastline vstopajo v psihiatrično prakso za zdravljenje (predvsem samozdravljenje) psihiatričnih simptomov, kot neželene učinke pa lahko povzročajo spremembe v razpoloženju, mišljenju ali vedenju ter součinkovanja s psihiatričnimi zdravili. Zaključki. S tem prispevkom želimo opozoriti na pogosto samozdravljenje oseb s psihiatričnimi simptomi in na pogosto neobveščenost zdravnikov o takšnem zdravljenju. V članku so predstavljene najpogosteje uporabljane zdravilne rastline (v Sloveniji registrirane kot zdravila skupine C). Ne glede na njihovo obsežno uporabo in potrebne ter izvajane regulatorne postopke so v številnih primerih kvantitativni in kvalitativni podatki nezadostni, da bi bili končni zaključki o njihovi učinkovitosti in varnosti lahko zanesljivejši. Delna izjema je uporaba šentjanževke v zdravljenju depresije in ginka v zdravljenju spominskih motenj pri demenci. Samozdravljenja v splošni populaciji ne gre zanemariti, vendar je ob tem treba ohraniti strokovno kritičnost.
Descriptors     MENTAL DISORDERS