Author/Editor     Bilban, Marjan
Title     Vpliv spola na nezgode v cestnem prometu v Sloveniji
Translated title     Road traffic accidents in Slovenia - the influence of gender
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 155-70
Language     slo
Abstract     Modern road traffic (RT) requires great efforts from all drivers and the highest use of all their physical and mental capacities. In addition, drivers must possess a certain character to ensure safe driving. Only a few decades ago, the driving of motor vehicles was a rarity and women behind the steering wheel were even scarcer. With the development of motorisation, their share of RT has been on a constant increase, as has, logically, their share of road traffic accidents (RTA). This research presents the increasingly important role of women in RT and attempts to show the special attributes of female drivers, namely that above all, they cause fewer accidents, and notably, those they cause are less likely to be fatal.
Summary     Sodoben cestni promet (CP) zahteva danes od vseh voznikov velik napor in čim boljšo uporabo njihovih telesnih in duševnih sposobnosti. Poleg tega pa morajo imeti vozniki za varno vožnjo tudi določene telesne, duševne in značajske sposobnosti. Vožnja motornih vozil je bila še pred nekaj desetletji prava redkost, še večja redkost pa so bile ženske za volanom. Z razvojem motorizacije je njihov delež vse večji. Logično je, da se s tem povečuje tudi njihov delež v cestnoprometnih nezgodah (CPN). V raziskavi sem prikazal vse pomembnejšo vlogo žensk v CP, hkrati pa sem želel opozoriti na posebnosti njihove udeležbe v vlogi voznic. Le-to se odraža predvsem v dejstvu, da povzročajo manj nezgod, in še posebej v tem, da so te manj usodne.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC