Author/Editor     Škerjanc, Alenka
Title     Bolniški stalež zaposlenih s sladkorno boleznijo
Translated title     Sickness absenteeism in diabetic employees
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 171-86
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in sickness absenteeism between employees with diabetes mellitus and other employees in Ljubljana. Method: The study included 400 employees with diabetes and 400 employees without it, matched for sex, age and occupation. The differences between the two groups were looked after in number of visits of the chosen general physician and in the frequency and duration of sickness absenteeism in the, year 1996. Methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics were used (analysis of variance, chi-square, Willcoxon's matched pairs). Results: The rate of employment of diabetics in Ljubljana was greater than nondiabetics (P<0,001). Sickness absenteeism of diabetic employees was greater in frequency of absences (P<0,05) and the duration of sickness absenteeism (P<0,01). The frequency and duration started to differ signiftcantly in the group over 30 years old (P<0,05). Between diabetic and non-diabetic employees who were estimated as "disabled", significant differences were not found (P>0,05) while they were found among nondisabled employees (P<0,05). It was found that diabetic employees had poorly controlled diabetes. The long-term complications were connected with the concentration of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) (P=0,01). The frequency of sickness absences was connected with the type of diabetes (P<0,05) and the average duration of sickness absence was connected with the presence of long-term complications of diabetes (P<0,05). Conclusions: The study confirmed that diabetes affects the ability for work. Appropriate work and good control of the disease žis very important for the quality of life of diabetics. The most important is the role of the diabetics themselves who should be educated to manage their disease in order to prevent long-term complications.
Summary     Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v bolniškem staležu med zaposlenimi s sladkorno boleznijo ter ostalimi zaposlenimi na območju mesta Ljubljane. Metode: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 400 zaposlenih oseb s sladkorno boleznijo in 400 zaposlenih brez te bolezni. Pari so bli sestavljeni tako, da so bili zaposleni enako stari, bili so istega spola in opravljali so enako delo. Med obema opazovanima skupinama sem iskala razlike v pogostnosti obiskov izbranega zdravnika ter razlike v pogostnosti in skupnem trajanju bolniškega staleža v letu 1996. Uporabljene so bile metode parametrijske in neparametrijske statistike (analiza variance, X2-test, Willcoxonov test). Rezultat: Zaposlenost oseb s sladkorno boleznijo v Ljubljani je bila višja kot zaposlenost oseb brez te bolezni (P < 0, 001). Zaposleni diabetiki so bili večkrat (P < 0,05) in dlje časa skupaj (P < 0,01) v bolniškem staležu kot nediabetiki. Pogostnost bolniškega staleža in njegovo trajanje sta se začela pri obeh opazovanih skupinah pomembno razlikovati že v starostnem obdobju nad 30 let (P < 0,05). Invalidska ocena je izenačila invalide - diabetike in nediabetike - v pogostnosti in skupnem trajanju bolniškega staleža (P > 0,05), pomembne razlike pa so bile med diabetiki in nediabetiki, ki te ocene niso imeli (P < 0,05). Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da so imeli zaposleni sladkorni bolniki svojo bolezen slabo urejeno. Z urejenostjo glikiranega hemoglobina (HbAl c) pa so bili povezani pozni zapleti sladkorne bolezni (P = 0,01). Na število primerov bolniškega staleža je po rezultatah te raziskave vplivala vrsta sladkorne bolezni (P < O,O5), na povprečno trajanje bolniškega staleža pa pozni zapleti te bolezni (P < 0, 05). (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).