Author/Editor     Kos, Ivan; Grgič, Tanja
Title     Talna favna v slovenskih gozdovih - njene značinosti, pomen, ogroženost in biodiverziteta v alpski krajini
Translated title     Soil fauna in Slovene forests - its characteristics, importance, threat and biodiversity in the alpine region
Type     članek
Source     Gozd Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 59, št. 7-8
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 304-13
Language     slo
Abstract     Soil fauna in Slovene forests is numerous and extraordinarily rich in its number of species. Vital for this richness is the high primary production in structurally and functionally preserved deciduous and mixed forests of the temperate climates. Heterogeneity of communities of the individual animal groups is considerable because of the continuous adaptation of the species. Refuges of mesophilic species during the colder periods were namely in a close proximity of the present forests, with their important segments on the territory of today's Slovenia. In the Carinthian forests the important refuges existed also in the 19th century, when the forest was essentially smaller than today. With a renewed overgrowth; a new forest environment is developing, which is only now being overtaken by the soil fauna. Here, the mutual connection between soil fauna and pedogenetic processes, dispersion of forest species from a sustained forest, and the meaning of different succession stages on the soil animal community can be observed, and the importance of the sustainable forest segments for the species diversity can be evaluated. Soil fauna affects soil structure, decomposition processes, and through nutrition relations also other forest animal species as capercaillie, forest partridge, and others.
Summary     Talna favna v slovenskih gozdovih je številčno in vrstno izredno bogata. Velika primarna produkcija v struktumo in funkcionalno ohranjenih listopadnih in mešanih gozdovih zmernih klimatovje za to bogastvo ključna. Heterogenost združb posameznih živalskih skupin je velika, tudi zaradi dolgotrajnega skupnega prilagajanja vrst. Zatočišča mezofilnih vrst so bila namreč v hladnejših obdobjih pleistocena v neposredni bližini današnjih gozdov, v pomembnih fragmentih celo na ozemlju današnje Slovenije. V koroških gozdovih so bila zatočišča tudi v 1g, stoletju, ko je bilo gozda bistveno manj kot danes. S ponovnim zaraščanjem nastaja novo gozdno okolje, ki ga talna favna šele osvaja. Tu lahko opazujemo medsebojno povezavo med talno favno in pedogenetskimi procesi, disperzijo gozdnih vrst iz trajnih gozdnih površin, pomen različnih razvojnih faz na združbo talnih živali ter ovrednotimo pomen trajnih gozdnih površin za vrstno diverziteto. Talna favna vpliva na strukturo tal, proces dekompozicije ter preko prehranjevalnih odnosov tudi na druge živalske vrste gozda, kot so divji petelin, gozdni jereb in drugi.
Descriptors     FORESTRY