Author/Editor     Lovšin, E; Fazarinc, G; Bavdek, SV
Title     Vrednosti anatomskih parametrov vratu in trupa lipicanskih žrebet v obdobju od tretjega do štitiinštiridesetega meseca starosti
Translated title     Values of the anatomical parameters of the neck and body of the Lipizzan foals in the period between three and forty four months of age
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 4
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 293-304
Language     slo, eng
Abstract     Several anatomical parameters of six Lipizzan foals were investigated by measuring and making comparisons of the obtained values. In this article the results of the measurements of the neck and body are introduced. The foals were measured every three months from three to twenty-seven months of age and again at 44 months of age. The results of the measurements were mathematically calculated into Neck Index 1 (lower neck circumference / lower neck height), Neck Index 2 (lower neck circumference x neck length / lower neck height), Body Format 1 (body length x 100 / withers height), Body Format 2 (body length x chest circumference / withers height), Chest Index (chest width x chest height / body length) and Hip Index (width between the hips x distance between the tuber coxae and the greater trochanter / body length). The results show that in the first year the growth of the length and height of the neck was more intense. After the 27th month of age skeletal growth is more or less complete, however, the neck circumference, chest circumference, chest width and the width between the hips continued to grow. The growth curves of the Chest and Hip indexes were very similar, and both rose sharply after twenty-seven months of age. The indexes and formats in this article are either two- or three-dimensional representations of the neck and body growth of the foals. They can be useful, when characterising the growth of foals, to frame an expected growth pattern for the necks and bodies of Lipizzan horses.
Summary     Z merjenjem in primerjavo vrednosti večjega števila anatomskih parametrov smo proučili rastne značilnosti šestih žrebet lipicanske pasme (Lipica, Slovenija). V tem članku so predstavljeni rezultati meritev vratu in trupa. Živali smo merili v starosti od 3 do 27 mesecev vsake tri mesece ter nato še pri starosti 44 mesecev. Rezultate meritev smo matematično preračunali v indeks vratu 1 (obseg vratu spodaj / vi*ina vratu spodaj), indeks vratu 2 (obseg vratu spodaj x dolžina vratu / višina vratu spodaj), format trupa 1 (dolžina trupa x 100 / višina vihra), format trupa 2 (dol*ina trupa x obseg prsi / višina vihra), indeks prsnega koša (širina prsi x višina prsi / dolžina trupa) ter indeks medeničnega obroča (medkolčna širina x dolžina med kolčno grčo in velikim obrtcem stegnenice / dolžina trupa). V prvem letu smo ugotovili intenzivno rast dolžine in višine vratu. Po 27. mesecu starosti, ko je rast skeleta pretežno končana, so se povečevali obseg vratu, obseg prsi, širina prsi in kolčna širina v višini kolčnih sklepov. Krivulji indeksa prsnega koša in medeničnega obroča sta bili zelo podobni in sta intenzivno rastli tudi po sedemindvajsetem mesecu. Indeksi in formati, navedeni v članku, so dvo- oz. tridimenzionalen prikaz rasti vratu in trupa žrebet. Lahko so v oporo pri ocenjevanju rasti žrebet, kot okvir pričakovanega rastnega vzorca vratu in trupa lipicanskih konj.
Descriptors     HORSES