Author/Editor     Podpečan, O; Hrušovar-Podpečan, S
Title     Terapija leve dislokacije siriščnika s tehniko valjanja in perkutane paramedialne abomasopeksije z drenovimi fiksatorji pri kravah v mlečni proizvodnji
Translated title     Treatment of left abomasal displacement in dairy cattle rolling and percutaneous paramedian abomasopexy using toggle pin fixators of cornel wood
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 4
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 335-40
Language     slo, eng
Abstract     Left abomasal displacement can be treated, among other techniques, with the rolling technique accompanied with a percutaneous paramedian abomasopexy using toggle pin fixators of cornel wood. This method is reliable, quick and economical. In the cases described, the animals were cast into a right lateral recumbency and rolled into a dorsal position. After repositioning, the abomasum was fixated in the region of the right ventral abdominal wall with toggle pins of cornel wood. We modified the method that was developed in the USA by using toggle pins of cornel wood. We also applied a slightly different rolling technique in order to achieve a quicker and more efficient repositioning of the abomasum. The technique was successful in eight of nine cases in Holstein-Friesian cows. In six cases, normal rumination resumed immediately after treatment. Six animals consumed food during the first eight hours after the procedure and defecation was normal in all eight cases after 24 hours. In the cases described, the animals were cast into a right lateral recumbency and rolled into a dorsal position. After repositioning, the abomasum was fixated in the region of the right ventral abdominal wall with toggle pins of cornel wood. We modified the method that was developed in the USA by using toggle pins of cornel wood. We also applied a slightly different rolling technique in order to achieve a quicker and more efficient repositioning of the abomasum. The technique was successful in eight of nine cases in Holstein-Friesian cows. In six cases, normal rumination resumed immediately after treatment. Six animals consumed food during the first eight hours after the procedure and defecation was normal in all eight cases after 24 hours.
Summary     Med metode zdravljenja leve dislokacije siriščnika sodi tudi tehnika valjanja in perkutane paramedialne abomasopeksije z drenovimi fiksatorji, ki je učinkovita, hitra in poceni. V opisanih primerih smo živali povalili na desni bok, jih namestili v hrbtni položaj in po končani naravnavi siriščnik fiksirali na področju desne ventralne trebušne stene z drenovimi fiksatorji. Drugače kot pri v ZDA razviti metodi smo za fiksatorje uporabili drenov les, modificirali pa smo tudi tehniko valjanja in s tem pripomogli k učinkovitejši in hitrejši naravnavi siriščnika. V osmih od devetih primerov pri kravah črno-bele pasme je bila tehnika uspešna, saj so se ruminacije pojavile neposredno po posegu v 6 primerih, prav tako je 6 živali začelo uživati krmo v osmih urah, normalno pa so v 8 primerih začele izločati blato po 24 urah.
Descriptors     ABOMASUM