Author/Editor     Berčič, Herman
Title     Gibalna/športna dejavnost v funkxiji zdravja in kakovosti življenja prebivalcev Slovenije
Translated title     Sports activities as a function of health and quality of life in Slovene population
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1-2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 3-11
Language     slo
Abstract     Regular physical activity resp. participation in sports are more and more appreciated due to their numerous positive and favourable effects and especially as a counter-effect to the irrationaIly fast way of life and many devious paths people are choosing. Systematic and moderate physical activity strengthens the health and helps people maintain their integral biopsychosocial equilibrium. Physical activity resp. sports are also becoming an important component of the quality of life of the contemporary man. Physical activity is at the same time relaxing, full of positive experiences and helps the man create inner harmony and harmony with his closer and broader outer environment. Child must get his first experiences in physical activities and many others during the maturation process within the family, enrich them at school and than start his own life. We can be satisfied to a certain degree with the quality of physical activities of Slovene population, but not with the number of people that are physically active or participate in sports in a regular way. Therefore the awareness of the population in this dornain should be raised on a higher level.
Summary     Zaradi številnih pozitivnih in ugodnih učinkov danes vse bolj cenimo redno telesno dejavnost oz. gibalno/športno udejstvovanje prebivalstva, zlasti kot protiutež nesmiselno prehitevajočemu utripu življenja in mnogim stranpotem, ki jih izbirajo Ijudje. Sistematično in zmerno telesno udejstvovanje krepi zdravje in pomaga Ijudem ohranjati celovito biopsihosocialno ravnovesje. Telesno gibanje oz. športnorekreativno udejstvovanje vse bolj postaja tudi pomembna sestavina kakovosti življenja sodobnega človeka. Telesno udejstvovanje je hkrati sproščujoče, doživljajsko bogati in človeku pomaga ustvarjati notranjo harmonijo in harmonijo z njegovim ožji in širši zunanjim okoljem. Prve gibalne in mnoge druge izkušnje mora dobiti otrok v procesu zorenja v družini, jih razširiti in obogatiti v šoli ter z njimi oditi v življenje. Danes smo v določeni meri lahko zadovoljni s kakovostjo gibalno-športnega udejstvovanja prebivalcev Slovenije, ne pa tudi s številom Ijudi, ki so redno telesno dejavni oz. se ukvarjajo z rekreativnim športom. Zato bo treba dvigniti ozaveščenost prebivalstva na tem področju na višjo raven.
Descriptors     HEALTH BEHAVIOR