Author/Editor     Jarc-Vidmar, Martina; Popović, Petra; Hawlina, Marko; Brecelj, Jelka
Title     Elektrookulografija in slikovna elektroretinografija v diagnostiki Bestove viteliformne distrofije
Translated title     Electrooculography and pattern ERG in the diagnostics of Best's vitelliform distrophy
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. II-109-18
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. The aim of the study was to develop electrooculography in accordance with ISCEV standards and to test its accuracy in the diagnosis of Best's disease, where the EOG results should be invariably abnormal in all affected members. The pathophysiology of Best's disease is not yet completely understood, so pattern and full field flash ERG responses compared to visual acuity and stage of the disease were used to asses the neurosensory retinal function in different stages of Best's disease. Patients and methods. The EOG was recorded in accordance with ISCEV standards on 30 healthy individuals to determine normal values of our laboratory. Pattern as well as photopic and scotopic ERG were recorded on 24 eyes of 12 patients with typical Best's disease with abnormal EOG responses. The results were compared to visual acuity and stage of the disease. Results. Our EOG normative data are comparable with results from other laboratories: the mean value of Arden ratio is 2.32, the range of 2 standard deviations from the mean value is from 1.6 to 3.04. The patients with Best's disease have statisticaly significant lower values of Arden ratio (the mean value beeing 1.19). 12 patients (24 eyes) with Best's disease with abnormal EOG values were divided in two groups according to visual acuity. In the first group of 12 eyes with visual acuity > 0.5 PERG P50 and N95 responses were all in the normal range. In the second group of 12 eyes with visual acuity 0.5 or less PERG showed reduced both PSO and N95 responses in 5 eyes, and N95 solely, in two eyes.The photopic and scotopic electroretinographic responses were normal in all patients. Progression of the disease, seen in the deterioration of visual acuity, corresponded well with reduction of both PERG P50 and N95 responses. There was no correlation found between visual acuity and EOG responses. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Namen študije je bil razvoj in standardizacija neinvazivne elektrofiziološke metode - elektrookulogracijje (EOG), ki je pomembna pri ocenjevanju delovanja retinalnega pigmentnega epitelija mrežnice in igra ključno vlogo v diagnostiki Bestove viteliformne distrofije. Sama patofiziologija Bestove distrofije še ni povsem pojasnjena, zato smo s primerjavo izvidov slikovne in bliskovne elektroretinografije z vidno ostrino in stadijem bolezni poskušali pojasniti odzive prizadetih struktur mrežnice v različnih fazah te bolezni. Preiskovanci in metode. EOG smo posneli na 30 zdravih prostovoljcih in določili normativne vrednosti elektrookulografskih parametrov. Na 12 bolnikih (24 očeh z vidno ostrino 0, 6 : 0,37) z elektrookulografsko potrjeno Bestovo viteliformno distrofijo smo posneli bliskovni in slikovni ERG v skladu z ISCEV standardi. Odzive smo primerjali z izvidi vidne ostrine in stadijem bolezni teh bolnikov. Rezultati. Normativne vrednosti EOG našega laboratorija so primerljive z rezultati drugih avtorjev, razpon 2 SD od povprečne vrednosti (2,32) je od 1, 6 do 3, 04. Pri bolnikih z Bestovo viteliformno distrofijo je povprečni Ardenov indeks 1,19. 12 bolnikov z Bestovo viteliformno distrofijo smo razdelili v dve skupini glede na vidno ostrino. V prvi skupini 12 oči (VO > 0,5) so odzivi slikovnega ERG pri vseh v mejah normale, v drugi skupini (VO <=0,5) smo pri sedmih očeh dobili nižje amplitude P50 oz. N95 valov. Pri vseh bolnikih so bile vrednosti bliskovne elektroretinografije v mejah normale. Ugotovili smo, da obstaja dobra korelacija med odzivi slikovne elektroretinografije in vidno ostrino ter stadijem bolezni, med izvidom EOG in vidno ostrino pa nismo našli nobene korelacije. Zaključki. V študiji na bolnikih z Bestovo distrofijo smo potrdili, da je elektrookulografija zelo občutljiva metoda za odkrivanje te bolezni. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).