Author/Editor     Urbančič, Mojca; Hawlina, Marko
Title     Primerjava hitrih testnih strategij pri izpadih v centralnem vidnem polju z uporabo programa Octopus M2
Translated title     Comparison of fast strategies with normal threshold strategy using Octopus programme M2 in central filed defects
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 71, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. II-131-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Fast test strategies are relatively new methods for assessing differential light sensitivity threshold in computer assisted perimetry. The purpose of our study was to compare and evaluate the accuracy of normal threshold strategy, dynamic strategy and TOP (Tendency Oriented Perimetry) strategy by testing central visual field with programme Octopus M2, which has the greatest concentration of test points (81 test points in the central 10 degrees area). Asimilar comparative study with programme Octopus M2 has not been done yet. Methods.30 normal eyes and 30 eyes with central field defects of different degrees and etiology were tested. The testing was performed with Octopus 101 perimeter in standard conditions. The programme M2 was used. Each eye was tested three times - once with normal, once with dynamic and once with TOP strategy. Each subject had at least 20 minutes of break between each testing. The sequence of the strategies was equally alternated for all three strategies. Differences between strategies were statistically evaluated regarding examination time, parameters MS (Mean Sensitivity), MD (Mean Defect) and LV (Loss Variance), the extent and depth of a field defect, sensitivity and specificity. Results. Fast strategies significantly reduce examination time. There were no statistically significant differences in any of the observed parameters in the group of eyes with field defects. There were statistically significant differences in MS and MD in the group of normal eyes (p < 0.01), but these differences were not clinically important. All three strategies are well comparable regarding sensitivity and specifi'city. Conclusions. Fast test strategies (especially TOP strategy) represent agood alternative to normal threshold strategy. Better efficiency of fast strategies justifies their greater clinical application.
Summary     Izhodišča. Hitre testne strategije so sorazmerno nove metode določanja praga diferencialne svetlobne občutljivosti pri računalniško podprti statični perimetriji, ki z algoritmičnimi metodami skrajšajo čas preiskave. Z našo raziskavo smo želeli opredeliti razlike med normalno, dinamično in strategijo TOP (Tendency Oriented Perimetry) ter primerjati njihovo natančnost in s tem klinično zanesljivost pri oceni izpadov v centralnem delu vidnega polja. Uporabili smo makularni program M2, ki ima izmed vseh programov največjo koncentracijo testnih točk (81 točk v premeru 10 stopinj). Podobne primerjalne študije s tem programom še ni bilo. Metode in preiskovanci. V raziskavo smo vključili 30 normalnih, zdravih oči preiskovancev in 30 oči z izpadi v centralnem vidnem polju različne stopnje in etiologije. Meritve smo izvedli s perimetrom Octopus 101 v standardnih pogojih z makularnim programom M2. Vsako oko smo testirali trikrat - enkrat z normalno, enkrat z dinamično in enkrat s strategijo TOP. Med vsakim testiranjem je imel preiskovanec najmanj 20 minut odmora. Vrstni red strategij smo enakomerno menjavali. Statistično smo analizirali razlike v času preiskave, parametrih MS (Mean Sensitivity), MD (Mean Defect) in LV (Loss Variance), razlike v velikosti in globini izpadov v vidnem polju ter razlike v občutljivosti in specifičnosti med strategijami. Rezultati. Hitre strategije bistveno skrajšajo čas preiskave. Pri skupini vidnih polj z izpadi ni statistično pomembnih razlik med strategijami v nobenem parametru, ki smo ga primerjali (p > 0,05). Normalna in dinamična strategija se pri skupini normalnih vidnih polj statistično pomembno razlikujeta v vrednostih MS in MD (p < 0, 01), vendar te razlike niso klinično pomembne. Vse tri strategije se glede občutljivosti in specifičnosti med seboj statistično pomembno ne razlikujejo. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).
Descriptors     VISUAL FIELDS