Author/Editor     Trček, Janja
Title     Genotypic characteristics of Gluconacetobacter hansenii LMG 1582 suggest its reclassification to a new species
Type     članek
Source     Zb Bioteh fak Univ Ljubl, Kmet 1990
Vol. and No.     Letnik 79, št. 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 19-26
Language     eng
Abstract     A strain of the acetic acid bacteria, purchased from the international culture collection as Gluconacetobacter (Ga.) hansenii LMG 1582, was studied in more detail using the molecular methods. The Haelll- and Hpall-restriction profile of the PCR amplified 16S-23S rDNA spacer region were compared to the restrictions profiles of the reference strains of the acetic acid bacteria. The comparison has shown no similarity. The sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene exhibited 22 nucleotide differences between the strain Ga. LMG 1582 and Ga, hansenii type strain. The sequence showed the highest similarity (99.2 %) to Ga. europaeus, representing 9 nucleotide differences. The strain Ga. LMG 1582 is well separated from the other presently recognized species of the acetic acid bacteria aiso in the 16S rDNA based phylogenetic tree. All this suggests that the strain Ga. hansenii LMG 1582 might be reclassified into a new species.
Summary     Sev ocetnokislinske bakterije, ki je v mednarodni zbirki mikroorganizmov shranjen pod imenom Gluconacetobacter hansenii LMG 1582, sem natančneje preiskala z molekularnimi metodami. Haelll- in Hpall-restrikcijski vzorec 16S-23S rDNA medgenskih regij, predhodno pomnoženih v reakciji PCR, sem primerjala z restrikcijskimi vzorci drugih referenčnih sevov ocetnokislinskih bakterij. Primerjava ni odkrila podobnosti. Analiza nukleotidne sekvence gena za 16S rRNA je odkrila 22 razlik med sevom Ga. LMG 1582 in tipskim sevom Ga. hansenii. Nukleotidna sekvenca 16S rDNA seva Ga. LMG 1582 je najbolj podobna (99.2 %) sekvenci 16S rDNA tipskega seva Ga. europaeus, a še vedno različna v 9 nukteotidih. Tudi v filogenetskem drevesu, oblikovanem na osnovi primerjav sekvenc 16S rDNA, je sev Ga. LMG 1582 dobro ločen od svojih najsorodnejših vrst. Zaradi vseh teh ugotovitev, je sev Ga. LMG 1582 potencialni kandidat za novo vrsto ocetnokislinskih bakterij.