Author/Editor     Berčič, H
Title     Nekatere značilnosti gibalno/športne dejavnosti prebivalcev Slovenije
Translated title     Some characteristics of physical and sport activities of the Slovene population
Type     članek
Source     In: Končni program, povzetki prispevkov in članki Mednarodna konferenca Krepimo zdravje z gibanjem in zdravo prehrano; 2002 Apr 18-21; Radenci. Ljubljana: CINDI,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 21, 71-3
Language     slo
Abstract     Problem: Engagement in motor/sport activities is without doubt one of the important ingredients of the quality of life of an individual and the population as a whole, and is consequently especially highly valued in countries with a well developed sport culture. The modes and forms, besides the regularity of the involvement of adult Slovenes in such activities reflect to a certain extent the level of their consciousness on the resulting benefits. Methods: The research was made in the year 2000 on a representative sample of 1,100 adult (above 18 years of age) Slovenes of both genders. The survey was made by the Centre for studying public opinion and mass media at the Institute for Social Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana. The questionnaire included questions on the modes and forms of motor/sport activity of the respondents and which sports they practice. Results: 23.9% of the respondents were regularly involved in motor/sport activity, either in organised or unorganised form. 17.1 % were active irregularly and 55.4% were inactive. In the twenty-year period from 1978 to 1998 the number of inactive oscillated by about 10% and stabilised under 50%. In 2000 the number of inactive rose above 50%, which is not promising, increasing most in the age class 18-25 years. A comparison of 1998 and 2000 data shows large differences, both in regular, as well as in infrequent motor/sport involvement of the population. Women again asserted their preference for organised and led exercise and activities in the family circle. The most favoured activities remain strolling, swimming, cycling, mountaineering and alpine skiing. (Abstract truncated at 2000 charactes).
Descriptors     SPORTS