Author/Editor     Beović, Bojana
Title     Vpliv omejevanja rabe antibiotikov v bolnišnicah na odpornost bakterij
Translated title     The influence of restricted antimicrobial use in hospitals on bacterial resistance
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 77-83
Language     slo
Abstract     In the past few decades, antibiotic overuse and misuse have been recognized worldwide. Inappropriate usage of antibiotics increases treatment costs and stimulates the spread of resistant bacterial strains. Excessive usage of antibiotics in hospitals may be limited by using a list of antibiotics that may be prescribed only by an authorized person, usually an infectious disease specialist. Antibiotic cycling is another method for regulating antibiotic consumption - in this case groups of antibiotics are prescribed in alteration, i. e., one antibiotic regimen is used for a time and then another, and so forth. In some hospitals, guidelines for prescribing antibiotics are implemented through computer-aided decision support systems. Studies of the effects of the above-mentioned methods of antibiotic use restriction have shown reduced treatment costs and, in most cases, improved antimicrobial resistance. Less is known about the effect of their restricted use on the outcome of treatment and duration of hospitalization. In spite of evidence that measures for restricting antibiotic consumption may be effective, the problems related to incorrect usage of antibiotics and bacterial resistance seem to be unresolved. Greater efforts by infectious disease specialists and the general public will be required in the future.
Summary     Že nekaj desetletij povsod po svetu opažajo, da je raba antibiotikov v bolnišnicah prekomerna in pogosto napačna. Neustrezno predpisovanje antibiotikov povečuje stroške zdravljenja in spodbuja širjenje proti antibiotikom odpornih bakterijskih sevov. Pretirano rabo antibiotikov v bolnišnicah skušamo omejiti s seznami antibiotikov, ki jih lahko predpiše le poobaščena oseba, navadno specialist infektolog. Na rabo antibiotikov lahko vplivamo tudi s kolobarjenjem, pri katerem lahko v določenih časovnih obdobjih izmenjaje predpisujemo zdaj ene zdaj druge antibiotike po vnaprej določenem zaporedju. V nekaterih bolnišnicah skušajo vplivati na predpisovanje antibiotikov z računalniško podprtimi sistemi odločanja. Raziskave posledic omejene rabe antibiotikov dokazujejo, da omenjene metode zmanjšujejo stroške zdravljenja, v večini primerov se je izboljšala tudi občutljivost bakterij za antibiotike. Manj je znanega o vplivu omejevanja rabe antibiotikov na izid zdravljenja in trajanje bivanja v bolnišnici. Kljub dokazom, da so ukrepi za zmanjševanje porabe antibiotikov lahko učinkoviti, problemi nepravilnega predpisovanja antibiotikov in odpornosti bakterij niso videti rešeni. Potrebni bodo večji napori specialistov infektologov in širše javnosti.
Descriptors     ANTIBIOTICS