Author/Editor     Leskošek, B; Bohanec, M; Kapus, V; Rajković, V
Title     Talent expert system - a better way of choosing sports in schools
Translated title     Ekspertni sistem Talent - boljši način izbire športnih panog v šoli
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 9, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 137-40
Language     eng
Abstract     Talent is an expert system designed for physical education (P.E.) teachers in their advising children and their parents on choosing sports which are best suited to children's potentials. In the current phase of development, the system is based on measurements of the so-called Sport Card, which has been used for many years in practically all primary and secondary schools in Slovenia. The system provides an estimation of children's morphologic and motoric dispositions for their involvement in 23 sport branches and disciplines. The evaluation is based on models constructed by experts for individual sports. The system runs under Windows 3.1 or later operating system. It includes interactive help in the Slovenian language. Apart from the installation and usage instructions, the User's manual also contains the description of some basic facts on talent identification and its practical realisation. This paper presents the system's architecture, functioning, and modes of use as well as practical experience gained by P.E. teachers while using the system on a sample of Slovenian primary and secondary schools.
Summary     Talent je ekspertni (odločitveni) sistem, namenjen učiteljem športne vzgoje pri njihovem svetovanju otrokom in staršem, ko se odločajo o športni panogi, ki najbolj ustreza njihovim zmožnostim. V trenutni verziji sistem temelji na merjenju za Športnovzgojni karton, ki se še mnogo let uporablja v večini osnovnih in srednjih šol po vsej Sloveniji. Sistem nudi oceno otrokovih morfoloških in motoričnih dispozicij za vključitev v 23 različnih panog oz. discipline. Ocena temelji na modelih, ki so jih sestavili strokovnjaki za posamezne športne panoge. Teče po operacijskim sistemom MS Windows 3.1. ali novejšim, Vključuje interaktivno pomoč v slovenskem jeziku. Poleg tehničnih navodil za uporabo programa, uporabniški priročnik vsebuje tudi temeljne napotke o usmerjanju v šport in njegovi praktični izvedbi. Članek predstavlja zgradbo sistema, njegovo delovanje, način uporabe in praktične izkušnje učiteljev športne vzgoje pri njegove testiranju na vzorcu slovenskih osnovnih in srednjih šol.
Descriptors     MOTOR SKILLS