Author/Editor     Kaligarič, Mitja
Title     Vegetation patterns and responses to elevated CO2 from natural CO2 springs at Strmec (Radenci, Slovenia)
Translated title     Vegetaciski vzorci in odzivi na povišano koncentracijo CO2 okrog naravnega vrelca CO2 Strmec (Radenci, Slovenija)
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. 1-2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 31-8
Language     eng
Abstract     A natural CO2 spring emitting pure CO2 was found near Radenci (Slovenia). The vegetation near the spring was characterized to test the hypothesis that vegetation patterns are influenced by elevated CO2 concentrations. A vegetation map in scale 1:50 was made from which the following conclusions were drawn. Above the concentration of 8000 cm'.m' (ppm) there was almost no vegetation. Between the concentration 8000 and 2000 cm3.m-3 it was found that normal vegetational patterns changed due to reduced competition between different species. For example Polygonum aviculare, which is characteristic for trampled vegetation, was the most common species and dominated the vegetation pattern. The enriched CO2 atmosphere had the same effect as the mechanical disturbance. At mid-season, the seeds of Echinochloa crus-galli germinated in the highest concentration of CO2 and were flowering by the end of the growing season. Morphological changes in comparison with plants growing at normal ambient CO2 concentration were reported as well. V literaturi naveden pojav, da povisana koncentracija CO2 stimulativno vpliva na pojavljanje vrste Agrostis stolonifera se pojasnjuje le s prisotnostjo karbonatov v tleh. The phenomenon, mentioned in literature, that species Agrostis stolonifera, which grows around CO2 springs, is stimulated by elevated CO2 concentration in the air, was explained only by presence of carbonates in the soil.
Summary     Naravni vrelec čistega CO2 je znan v bližini Radencev (Slovenija). Opisana je bila vegetacija v okolici vrelca, da bi lahko potrdili hipotezo, da povišana koncentracija CO2 vpliva na vegetacijske vzorce. Vegetacijska karta v merilu 1:50 je bila narejena, na njeni osnovi pa podajamo naslednje zaključke: V koncentraciji nad 8000 cm3.m-3(ppm) ni razvite skoraj nobene vegetacije. Med koncentracijama 8000 in 2000 cm3.m-3 je bilo ugotovljeno, da se je normalen vegetacijski vzorec spremenil zaradi zmanjšane konkurence med vrstami. Vrsta Polygonum aviculare, ki je značilna za pohojeno vegetacijo, je bila na tem območju najpogostejša in dominantna vrsta. Povišana koncentracija CO2 je imela torej isti efekt kot mehanska motnja. Sredi vegetacijske sezone so v najvišji koncentraciji CO2 vzkalila semena vrste Echinochloa crus-gali, ki je cvetela na koncu sezone. Ugotovljene so bile morfološke razlike v primerjavi z rastlinami, ki so rasle v normalni koncentraciji CO2. V literaturi naveden pojav, da povišana koncentracija CO2 v zraku stimulativno vpliva na pojavljanje vrste Agrostis stolonifera, ki pogosto uspeva v okolici vrelcev CO2, pojasnjujemo le s prisotnostjo karbonatov v tleh.
Descriptors     MINERAL WATERS