Author/Editor     Gorec, Davorin
Title     Uporaba sistema CAD-CAM v protetiki
Type     članek
Source     In: Burger H, editor. Amputacije in protetika. Zbornik predavanj 13. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2002 mar 15-16; Ljubljana. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 151-6
Language     slo
Abstract     CAD-CAM system (Computer Aided Design - Computer Aided Manufacturing) is a technology, which is used for designing and manufacturing of prosthetic sockets. It uses the advantageous features of modern computer technology (laser scanner, computer with appropriate software and milling machine are required) and helps prosthetist to make a perfect prosthetic socket. The process of manufacturing or prosthetic sacket begins with the use of laser scanner which scans patient's stump and colfects 3-dimensional numerous data regarding surface of stump and other common modification areas. Numerous data from laser camera thus represent the form of stump and modification area data are helpful to prosthetist for designing of the model with appropriate computer software on PC. The collected data about the shape of modef are then sent in numerical three-axis machine which manufacture the model in shape that was defined earlier with computer designed model. Modifications of the model with computer are very similar to classical modifications. The only difference is that in CAD-CAM system the model is shown on the screen. Therefore, the prosthetist has to learn how to use appropriate software and transfer his practical experiences on the work with computer. The greatest advantage of the CAD-CAM system is that prosthetist has saved whole shape of the stump for each single patient on the computer, with all modifications of the model. The basic shape of the stump is stored and it can be re-open any time at any next modification. Also, it can be compared with others stored models of the stump. That significantly speeds up the time needed for determination of the shape of prosthetic sockets, designing of the model and manutacturing ot the new (the next) socket, especially if its shape bases on the existing shape and only minor corrections are required. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).