Author/Editor     Fatur-Videtič, Andrejka
Title     Poklicna rehabilitacija oseb po amputaciji
Type     članek
Source     In: Burger H, editor. Amputacije in protetika. Zbornik predavanj 13. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2002 mar 15-16; Ljubljana. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 185-93
Language     slo
Abstract     Return to work /school and being employed are becoming important indicators of a successful outcome of treatment and rehabilitation. Members of a clinical and rehabilitation team should recognize them in the groups of an individual's main needs defined as: idiopathic needs (connected with overcoming the loss mentally, with restoring one's body image and avoiding sympathy and dependence), specific needs (related to the activities of daily living, employment and leisure) and socioeconomic needs (depending on the person's age these include equal opportunities during education, the ability to achieve and maintain a full earning potential or to enjoy full retirement). The needs change in response to many factors. They reflect the individual's ability and potential gained and improved by the whole rehabilitation process (including the supply of a suitable prosthesis) as well as the individual's activity (what the individual achieves in relation to his/her age, gender, condition and rehabilitation process - which could be estimated in various ways). Plans for the return to work/school should be developed parallel to the early rehabilitation programs. In many patients, the clinical rehabilitation team can assess the patient's fitness for work and define suitable training programs taking in account the following issues: the state of the amputee (the level of amputation, the patient's emotional response to the amputation, prosthetic restoration - type, wearing time, training, the achieved level of function, problems with phantom or residual limb pain), comorbidity factors, general physical capacity and sensory functions, information about work history (early, middle, late career), education and special training received, family and home responsibilities, leisure time activities and driving ability. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Descriptors     AMPUTATION