Author/Editor     Drnovšek-Olup, Brigita
Title     Bolnik z očesno krvavitvijo v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine
Translated title     Patients with ocular hemorrhage in the family physician's office
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 29-33
Language     slo
Abstract     The article describes haemorrhages into different ocular structures: orbit, lids, conjunctiva, anterior chamber, vitreous and retina. Important diagnostic signs, first aid, management and follow-up are explained with special regard for the role of family medicine physicians. Detailed descriptions concerning management, treatment and timing of follow-up are given for each disorder.
Summary     Članek opisuje krvavitev v različne očesne strukture: v orbito, veke, veznico, sprednji prekat, steklovino in mrežnico. Opisani so znaki, ki so pomembni za prepoznavo, prva pomoč, zdravljenje in spremljanje bolnika s poudarkom na vlogi zdravnika družinske medicine. Natančno je opisan postopek pri posameznem obolenju, zdravljenje in čas spremljanja bolnikov.
Descriptors     EYE HEMORRHAGE