Author/Editor     Geršak, Ksenija
Title     Sodobni pogledi na nadomeščanje joda med nosečnostjo
Translated title     Iodine supplementation during pregnancy
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 105-7
Language     slo
Abstract     There are important changes in thyroid function during pregnancy. The thyroid is under dual control of both thyrotropin and chorionic gonadotropin. In response to high estrogen levels, pregnancy induces an increase in circulatory levels of thyroxine-binding globulin. Increased renal clearance and losses to the feto-placental unit result in a relative iodine-deficiency state. There is a mild enlargement of the thyroid gland. Maternal and newborns goiter is correlated with degree of iodine deficiency during pregnancy. The recommended ideal iodine intake should be 200 micro g/day for pregnant and lactating women, endorsed by WHO (International Cauncil for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders). To prevent gestational goitrogenesis and reach a long term steady state, women should be provided with an iodine intake 150 micro g/day before they become pregnant.
Summary     Med nosečnostjo se spremeni regulacija in delovanje materine ščitnice. Ščitnico uravnavata predvsem tirotropin in horionski gonadotropin. Kot odgovor na zvišano koncentracijo estrogenov v materini krvi se zviša koncentracija transportnih proteinov. Zaradi prehajanja v fetoplacentarno enoto in zaradi zvečanega očistka v ledvicah se zmanjšajo zaloge jodida v materini ščitnici. Ščitnica se fiziološko poveča do 15%. Posledica pomanjkanja joda pa je pojav golše pri nosečnici in plodu. Po priporočilih WHO (International Cauncil for ControL of Iodine Deficiency Disorders) je potreben dnevni odmerek za nosečnico in doječo mater 200 mikro g. Pomembno je tudi vzdrževanje zalog in ravnovesje v delovanju ščitnice pred želeno nosečnostjo s preventivnim odmerkom 150 mikro g joda na dan.
Descriptors     GOITER