Author/Editor     Orel, R; Rogelj, I
Title     Črevesna mikroflora in možnosti njenega spreminjanja s probiotiki
Translated title     Modification of the intestinal flora with probiotics
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. 4
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 83-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The human gastrointestinal system is a life environment of numerous microorganisms that form the intestinal microflora. It is composed of about 400 bacterial species, mostly anaerobic. The gut of the newborn is sterile and it is *infected* with intestinal flora from the mother and from the environment. The infant's diet is an important factor in the formation of intestinal flora; in the gut of breast-fed infants, bacteria with low virulence predominate. When stable intestinal flora is formed in the first years of life, its composition remains constant. Factors such as diet change, intestinal infection and antibiotic treatment, can temporarily change it. However, it returns to its primary composition soon after the influence of the critical factor has ceased. The reason for this stability is the colonization resistance against foreign bacterial species, which is formed by the cooperation between autochthonous bacterial species and between them and the host organism. Bacteria of the intestinal microflora can have beneficial or harmful effects on the host. Beneficial effects are assistance in food digestion and absorption, vitamin production, interference with growth of pathogenic bacteria, stimulation of the intestinal immune system, anti-carcinogenic effects etc. Harmful microorganisms can directly attack the intestinal mucosa or produce different toxins, cause putrefaction of the intestinal contents and produce potentially carcinogenic factors. Probiotics are products containing live microorganisms of defined species in a sufficient number to influence the composition of the intestinal flora in a way that causes beneficial effects to the health of the host organism. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Prebavni sistem ljudi je življenjsko okolje številnih mikroorganizmov, ki tvorijo t.i. črevesno mikrofloro. Sestavlja jo okrog 400 vrst bakterij, med katerimi prevladujejo anaerobne. Črevo novorojenčka je sterilno. Z bakterijsko floro se "okuži" od matere in iz sirsega okolja. Pomemben dejavnik pri oblikovanju črevesne flore je dojenčkova prehrana; ugotovili so, da v črevesu dojenih otrok prevladujejo bakterijski sevi z nizko virulenco. Ko se v nekaj letih po rojstvu vzpostavi stabilna črevesna flora, ostaja njena sestava konstantna. Dejavniki, kot so spremenjena prehrana, okužba z drugo vrsto mikrobov, jemanje antibiotikov jo lahko kratkoročno spremene. Vendar pa se stanje povrne v prvotno kmalu po prenehanju delovanja kritičnega dejavnika. Vzrok je v kolonizacijski rezistenci pred naselitvijo novih bakterijskih vrst, ki jo omogoča sodelovanje med posameznimi vrstami avtohtone črevesne flore ter med njo in gostiteljskim organizmom. Črevesne bakterije imajo lahko za organizem gostitelja koristne ali škodljive učinke. Med koristne učinke črevesnih mikroorganizmov sodijo: sodelovanje pri prebavi in s tem absorpciji sestavin hrane, proizvodnja nekaterih vitaminov, zaviranje rasti škodljivih bakterij, spodbujanje črevesne imunosti, protitumorsko delovanje itd. Škodljivi mikroorganizmi bodisi neposredno napadajo črevesno sluznico ali pa izločajo različne toksine, povzročajo procese gnitja črevesne vsebine in proizvajajo potencialno karcinogene dejavnike. Probiotiki so proizvodi, ki vsebujejo žive mikroorganizme določene vrste v zadostnem številu, da lahko vplivajo na sestavo mikroflore v prebavilih tako, da ta sprememba ugodno vpliva na zdravstveno stanje gostitelja (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).