Author/Editor     Besednjak-Kocijančič, L
Title     Srečanje z astmo v dispanzerju za otroke
Translated title     Meeting asthma in the primary paediatric health-centre
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. 4
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 97-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Asthma is a leading cause of chronic illness in childhood. It may have its onset at any age. Airway inflammation, found in all individuals with asthma, is specific and typical for the diagnosis. 80-90% of asthmatic children have their first symptoms before the age of five years. The relationship between the age of onset and the prognosis is uncertain. Most children with asthma have a positive family history of asthma and other allergic diseases. We observed acute episodes after exposure to the trigger factor. Early recognition and treatment of the disease are very important. In the article, asthma among children treated in a primary paediatric health-centre at *empeter near Nova Gorica, is presented. The different frequency of some factors associated with asthma among children with asthma and healthy children is reported.
Summary     Astma je najpogostejša kronična bolezen pri otroku. Vnetne spremembe dihalnih poti so specifične za astmo in se razlikujejo od sprememb pri vnetjih druge etiologije. Astma lahko nastopi kadar koli v življenju. Prvi znaki se pojavijo pri 80-90% otrok z astmo pred petim letom starosti. Starost otroka ob nastopu bolezni ne vpliva na njen potek. Astma je pogostejša v družinah atopikov in astmatikov. Akutna poslabšanja bolezni se pojavljajo po stiku s sprožilnim dejavnikom. Pomembna je pravočasna prepoznava bolezni in ustrezno zdravljenje. V članku je predstavljena kratka analiza obravnave otrok z astmo v dispanzerju za otroke Šempeter pri Novi Gorici. Prikazana je razlika v pogostosti parametrov, ki so vzročno ali posledično povezani z astmo pri zdravih in otrocih z astmo.
Descriptors     ASTHMA