Author/Editor     Galazka, A; Kraigher, A; Robertson, SE
Title     Nagminne zapalenie przyusznic (swinka)-niedoceniona choroba. II. Stosowanie, skutecznosc i bezpieczenstwo szczepionki przeciw swince
Translated title     Wide-spread inflammation of the parotid glands (mumps): an underestimated disease. II. Development, use, efficacy and safety of mumps vaccines
Type     članek
Source     Przegl Epidemiol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 52, št. 4
Publication year     1998
Volume     str. 401-12
Language     pol
Abstract     Effective attenuated live virus mumps vaccines have been available for more than 30 years. Vaccine strains have been developed on various cell culture systems; the attenuated mumps virus strain most commonly used is the Jeryl Lynn strain. Various vaccines differ in their immunogenicity, efficacy and associated adverse events. It is estimated that the immunization coverage needed to block the transmission of mumps virus is at least 70%. Models indicate that low to moderate levels of mumps vaccine coverage may actually increase the number of susceptibles and the number of cases in older age groups. Benefit-cost analyses in a number of countries have found that the introduction of mumps vaccine is economically justifiable, as vaccination can avert the considerable medical and economic costs associated with mumps morbidity. Countries that do not immunize against mumps continue to register high mumps morbidity, and pay a high toll from neurological and other complications of mumps. Poland, which already has a high level of measles vaccine coverage, should make efforts to replace monovalent measles vaccine with trivalent measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Descriptors     MUMPS