Author/Editor     Šajn-Slak, Alenka; Vrhovšek, Danijel; Kosi, Gorazd
Title     Eutrophication of Šmartinsko lake and its multiple use
Translated title     Evtrofikacija Šmartinskega jezera in večnamenska uporaba
Type     članek
Source     Acta Biol Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. 3
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 35-43
Language     eng
Abstract     The aim of our study was to evaluate the trophic status and to propose appropriate management of the Šmartinsko reservoir for multiple use. Sampling for physical and chemical analyses, chlorophyll-a and phytoplankton species community composition was conducted from May to October 2000. Temperature in lake profile showed stratification from June to September. Dissolved oxygen was completely exausted below the depth of 4m but the concentrations of nutrients were low along the whole profile during the summer. The number of phytoplanktonic species has increased from 27 in the year 1980 to 62 in the year 2000. A qualitative and quantitative increase of cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates was observed. According to phytoplankton the Šmartinsko Lake has eutrophic status although physical and chemical analyses from very dry Summer 2000 showed mesotrophic state. To assure multiple use of lake (flood prevention, fishing, tourism, recreation...) nutrient inputs from non-point and point sources have to be reduced.
Summary     Namen raziskave je bil oceniti trofično stanje in predlagati ustrezno gospodarjenje Šmartinskega jezera za večnamensko uporabo. Vzorčevanje za fizikalno-kemijske analize, klorofil a in vrstni sestav fitoplanktona je potekalo od maja do oktobra 2000. Meritve temperature v vodnem stolpcu so pokazale, da je bilo jezero stratificirano od junija do septembra. Na globinah pod 4m je primanjkovalo raztopljenega kisika, medtem ko so bile koncentracije hranilnih snovi po celotnem vodnem stolpcu nizke. Število prisotnih vrst fitoplanktona se je od leta 1980 do leta 2000 povečalo od 27 na 62. Opazili smo kvantitativen in kvalitativen porast modrozelenih alg in dinoflagelatov. Na podlagi fitoplanktona bi Šmartinsko jezero uvrstili med evtrofna jezera, na podlagi fizikalno-kemijskih analiz opravljenih med sušnim poletjem 2000 pa med mezotrofna. Da bi zagotovili večnamensko uporabo jezera (zadrževanje visokega vala, ribištvo, turizem, rekreacija...) je potrebno zmanjšati vtoke hranilnih snovi iz netočkovnih in točkovnih virov.
Descriptors     FRESH WATER