Author/Editor     Lukanc, B; Seliškar, A; Pečar, J; Butinar, J
Title     Primerjava halotanske in kombinirane intravenske anestezije z midazolamom in butorfanolom pri psih
Translated title     Halothane anaesthesia in comparison with combined intravenous anaesthesia by midazolam and butorphanol in dogs
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Publication year     2002
Volume     str. 69-83
Language     slo, eng
Abstract     The aim of the presented study was to determine the applicability of the hypnotic agent midazolam, opioid analgesic agent butorphanol, muscle relaxant atracurium, and hypnotic agent etomidate, for combined intravenous anaesthesia. There was also our intention to introduce the combined intravenous anaesthesia, which by definition is composed of different intravenous agents (hypnotics, analgesics, muscle relaxants) and volatile anaesthetics for use in daily clinical practice and compare it with halothane anaesthesia, already established. For this study twelve beagle bitches were included in a clinical trial. For premedication midazolam and butorphanol were used. Additional doses of the same agents were applied for induction in the combined intravenous anaesthesia. Etomidate in larger doses was necessary for successful endotracheal intubation in nine bitches. In halothane anaesthesia induction was performed by use of etomidate and maintained with halothane. Carrying gas for halothane was a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide. Immediately after induction, neuromuscular blocking agent atracurium was injected for controlled ventilation. The stage of anaesthesia was assessed after painful stimuli, which were applied in intervals of ten minutes by pressing the middle phalanx of the third toe of the left hindleg with Foerster's forceps. Analgesia in the combined intravenous anaesthesia was insufficient after application of butorphanol, and when pain was evoked by first stimulation a repetition of the dose was necessary, when it was painful after second stimulus volatile agent halothane was added. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Proučili smo uporabnost hipnotika midazolama, opioidnega analgetika butorfanola, mišičnega relaksanta atrakurija in hipnotika etomidata v kombinirani intravenski anesteziji. Kombinirano intravensko anestezijo, ki je po definiciji sestavljena iz hipnotikov, analgetikov in hlapnih anestetikov, smo želeli uvesti v klinično prakso in jo primerjati z že uveljavljeno halotansko anestezijo. Uporabili smo 12 psic pasme beagle, ki smo jim kot pripravka za premedikacijo dali midazolam in butorfanol. Uvod v anestezijo ali indukcijo smo pri kombinirani intravenski anesteziji izvedli z dodatnimi odmerki midazolama in butorfanola. Za uspešno endotrahealno intubacijo smo morali devetim psicam dodati še kratko delujoči hipnotik etomidat. Indukcijo pri halotanski anesteziji smo izvedli samo z etomidatom, anestezijo pa smo vzdrževali le s halotanom. Kot nosilna plina za halotan smo uporabili kisik in dušikov oksidul v razmerju 1 : 2. Po indukciji smo psicam vbrizgali mišični relaksant atrakurij, ki je omogočil vodeno predihavanje. Globino anestezije smo ugotavljali z bolečinskim dražljajem, ki smo ga vsakih 10 minut povzročili s stiskanjem prsta s prijemalko po Foersterju. Pri kombinirani intravenski anesteziji analgezija s prvotnim odmerkom butorfanola ni bila zadostna, zato smo po prvem bolečinskem dražljaju ponovno vbrizgali butorfanol. Tudi drugi odmerek ni zagotovil zadostne analgezije, zato smo psicam pričeli dovajati majhne volumenske odstotke halotana. (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).